英语脑筋急转弯 | Breaks But Never Falls
What falls but never breaks? What breaks but never falls?
What falls but never breaks? What breaks but never falls?
A horse is tied to a five meter rope in front of an old saloon. Six meters behind the horse is a bale of hay.
Why should you never iron a 4-leaf clover?
I am big on Saturday and Sunday. Small on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
A rich person doesn't need it A poor person has it And if you eat it you will die.
This thing devours all things. All man, all beasts, all flowers and trees.
What bird can be heard at mealtimes?
A hole leading in, a hole leading out, we connect to a cavern that is slimy all throughout.
How do you spell hard water with three letters?
No legs have I to dance,
No lungs have I to breathe,
No life have I to live or die
This thing runs but cannot walk, sometimes sings but never talks.
You are a bus driver at a station. 10 get on the bus and no one gets off. You drive 10 miles to another station where 3 people get on and 1 gets off.
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