英语词源 | sinister
英语单词 sinister 来自拉丁语 sinister ,本意是“左边的”,是 dexter (右边的)的反义词。
英语单词 sinister 来自拉丁语 sinister ,本意是“左边的”,是 dexter (右边的)的反义词。
Criticize the Paint Job on the Titanic
To obsess over small flaws and miss serious ones
“We waged a war on poverty, and poverty won,” Ronald Reagan lamented while president.
Diversification is an established tenet of conservative investment.
这种装束显得简洁利落,一点也不拖泥带水。英语单词succinct 就来源于这种装束。
Uniqueness is the commodity of glut.
在英语中,古罗马的“元老院”就叫做 senate ,源自拉丁语 senatus ,字面意思就是“ council of elders ”(长老们组成的委员会)。
The most beautiful words in the English language aren't “I love you” but “it's benign.”
土星( Saturn )就是以农神的名字命名的。太阳系中,土星距离太阳最远,运行速度最慢。因此,占星学中认为,土星座的人性情阴郁冷漠,从而产生了 saturinine (阴郁的)这个单词。
Life is much more manageable when thought of as a scavenger hunt as opposed to a surprise party.
在很多宗教中,人们往往会把圣徒的遗骸或遗物装在精美箱子里保存下来,供信徒们瞻仰和崇拜。这种箱子也被称为 shrine 。
How stagnant and tepid the whole British political scene is now is just beyond belief.
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