Many people assume that they can simply 1) buy a house, 2) apply a fresh coat of paint, 3) trim some bushes, and then 4) resell the home at a profit. Unfortunately, this process, which is referred to as "flipping", is not that easy.
根据《韦氏词典》,house flipping中的flip对应释义为:

Instead of relying on market fluctuations, you could earn a profit by flipping houses.(http://www.greenresidential.com/3-real-estate-investment-strategies-arent-profitable-sound/)
最后,house flipping需要投资者具有一定的投资眼光,在众多房屋中找到最具升值潜力的。炒房人虽然也需要考虑投资对象的价值,但并不需要对所购房屋进行细致、深入的考量,看准大的地段甚至城市就会出手。简而言之,house flipping要精细一些,而“炒房”更宏观。
正是因为house flipping是个“技术活”,这项投资还被拍成了电视节目,比如Flip or Flop(下图),该节目内容为购买失去或即将失去赎回权的房子(distressed property)并对其进行修缮。