Beijing authorities on Friday issued a drafted citywide rule to regulate the unfettered bike-sharing industry, making the city the fifth Chinese metropolis to lay out concrete requirements in the area, following Shenzhen, Chengdu, Shanghai and Nanjing.
在北京交通委看来,共享自行车出现以来,发展总体是好的,但也出现了一些问题,主要是企业乱投放(unregulated operation)、承租人乱停放(irregular parking)、押金未监管(unsupervised deposit)、集中停放区车位不足(insufficient parking space)、车辆被侵占、破坏(bike damage)等。其中,乱停乱放问题尤为明显,需要政府、企业、社会及承租人统一认识,形成合力,共同促进共享自行车规范发展和管理,共同维护良好的城市环境和交通秩序。
押金管理 deposit management
目前,注册用户大都交纳了99元-299元的押金,由于注册用户众多,押金总额庞大。为保障注册用户的合法权益,《指导意见》明确在北京投放车辆的企业必须在本市开立企业资金专用账户(special accounts),公示押金退还时限(keep the public informed of their time limit for refund),及时退还承租人押金(return deposits to users in time)。
企业退出运营前要向社会公示(public notification),退还承租人押金(return all the deposits)。
用户安全 client security
为保障承租人骑行安全,《指导意见》要求企业投放车辆应符合国家、行业标准,保证车辆技术状态良好(meet technical requirements),满足安全骑行要求,在运营过程中要定期检测车辆(bikes in service need to be tested regularly),不符合质量标准的车辆要及时退出。车辆要安装卫星定位装置(bikes should be equipped with GPS systems)。
The draft document is also recommending and encouraging companies to purchase personal accident insurance and third party liability insurance for their clients.
When accidents occur, the division of responsibility should be in compliance with the assertion identified by transport authorities. Users who break relevant regulations will face both credit loss and administrative penalties.
停车管理 parking management
企业运用系统功能,加强车辆停放秩序管理,在手机APP中标注可停放区(parking area)和禁停区(no-parking area),引导承租人将自行车还至可停放区。完善承租人信用评价制度,将多次违规违约的承租人列入企业黑名单。