1. Cambridge Dictionary
A time-honoured tradition, practice, or method is respected because it has been done or used in the same way for many years:
The developers dealt with the problem in the time-honoured fashion/way, burying the industrial waste in landfill sites.
2. Oxford Dictionary
(of a custom or tradition) respected or valued because it has existed for a long time
‘the eldest son was named, in time-honoured fashion, after his father’
‘the beer is still brewed in the time-honoured way’
3. ldoce Online
A time-honoured method or custom is one that has existed for a long time.
Sharon became involved with music in the time-honoured fashion – through her family.
4. Collins Dictionary
A time-honored tradition or way of doing something is one that has been used and respected for a very long time.
Raising the money is done in the usual time-honored ways – college events, garage sales, and the like.
5. Macmillan Dictionary
done in the same way for a very long time
a time-honored custom/method/procedure
Respected or adhered to because of age or age-old observance.(American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition)
如果选用respected because of age的释义,time-honored brand确实站得住脚。
Adhering to beliefs or practices approved by authority or tradition.(The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus)
这个解释同样支持time-honored brand的用法。
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary对time-honored的解释也与以上两者近似,尽管示例仍然使用了“custom”:revered or respected because of long observance or continuance: a time-honored custom。
美国英语词典中最权威的Merriam-Webster对time-honored的释义为:honored because of age or long usage <time-honored traditions>。
这样来看不如换一个词。笔者认为,venerable brand比time-honored brand搭配更为自然,其中venerable意为:old and respected: valued and respected because of old age, long use, etc。
谷歌搜索证明境外主流商业新闻网站更偏爱“venerable brand”。
以上对比清晰显示,无论是结果的数量还是结果质量,“venerable brand”都要远高于“time-honored brand”。
无论从词义和使用上来看,venerable brand都要优于time-honored brand。这里涉及的不是绝对的对与错,而是哪个更常见,因此也很可能更自然、更地道。