英语热词 | 上海迪士尼“禁止外带食物政策”英语怎么说?


Effective immediately, visitors can now bring outside food and beverages into Shanghai Disneyland for consumption as long as these items do not require heating, reheating, processing, refrigeration or temperature control and do not have pungent odors.

不允许携带的具体为:需加热水食用的方便面(instant noodles);带自热功能的食品(food kept in containers with reheating capabilities),如自加热火锅;需加工冷藏或保温的食品,如西瓜(watermelon);带有刺激性气味的食物,如榴莲(durian)、臭豆腐(stinky tofu)。

游客将继续可以携带瓶装水和饮料(bottled water and beverages)入园,遍布乐园的50多个直饮水供应点和20多个热水供应点也将继续为游客免费提供饮用冷热水。

Alcoholic beverages, cans and glassware will still be prohibited, with the exception of small baby food jars.

The company said that while guests are welcome to enjoy their own food and beverages at designated picnic areas throughout the park, they must adhere to the city's waste sorting regulations and help maintain a clean and tidy park environment.



Guests are encouraged to open their own bags and remove any flagged items. The resort said it is also seeking ways to utilize new equipment like X-ray machines to support security screening in the future.

  • 禁止外带食物政策
    no-outside-food policy
  • 入场券/门票
    admission tickets
  • 安检
    security screening/security check
  • 禁带物品
    prohibited items