英语热词 | 山东、江苏、广西等6个省区新设自由贸易试验区


Setting up new pilot FTZs is "a major decision by the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council and a strategic move to advance reform and opening-up in the new era," the plan said.

This will bring the total number of the country's pilot FTZs to 18, which serve as pioneers of the country's reform and opening-up as they test new styles of foreign investment management, trade facilitation and transformation of government functions to better integrate the economy with international practices.



山东自贸试验区围绕加快推进新旧发展动能接续转换、发展海洋经济,形成对外开放新高地,提出了培育贸易新业态新模式(nurture new businesses)、加快发展海洋特色产业(develop the marine economy)和探索中日韩三国地方经济合作(explore China-Japan-Republic of Korea economic cooperation at the sub-national level)等方面的具体举措。

江苏自贸试验区围绕打造开放型经济发展先行区(pioneer in open economy development)、实体经济创新发展(innovative development of real economy)和产业转型升级示范区(demonstration zone for industrial tranformation and upgrade),提出了提高境外投资合作水平、强化金融对实体经济的支撑和支持制造业创新发展(support innovation and development of the manufacturing industry)等方面的具体举措。

广西自贸试验区围绕建设西南中南西北出海口、面向东盟的国际陆海贸易新通道(new channel for international land-sea trade targeting ASEAN),形成21世纪海上丝绸之路和丝绸之路经济带有机衔接的重要门户,提出了畅通国际大通道、打造对东盟合作先行先试示范区(pilot zone of cooperation with the ASEAN region)和打造西部陆海联通门户港等方面的具体举措。

河北自贸试验区围绕建设国际商贸物流重要枢纽(key hub for international trade and logistics)、新型工业化基地、全球创新高地和开放发展先行区,提出了支持开展国际大宗商品贸易(international commodity trade)、支持生物医药与生命健康产业开放发展(the opening up of biomedicine- and healthcare-related industries)等方面的具体举措。

云南自贸试验区围绕打造“一带一路”和长江经济带互联互通的重要通道(build an important channel of connectivity for the Belt and Road and the Yangtze River economic belt),建设连接南亚东南亚大通道的重要节点,推动形成我国面向南亚东南亚辐射中心、开放前沿,提出了创新沿边跨境经济合作模式(innovate modes of cross-border economic cooperation)和加大科技领域国际合作力度等方面的具体举措。

黑龙江自贸试验区围绕深化产业结构调整(deepen industrial structure adjustment),打造对俄罗斯及东北亚区域合作的中心枢纽,提出了加快实体经济转型升级、推进创新驱动发展和建设面向俄罗斯及东北亚的交通物流枢纽(build a transportation and logistics hub to facilitate cooperation with Russia and Northeast Asia)等方面的具体举措。

方案强调,自贸试验区建设过程中,要强化底线思维和风险意识,完善风险防控和处置机制(improve mechanism of risk control and response),实现区域稳定安全高效运行,切实维护国家安全和社会安全(safeguard national and social security)。充分发挥地方和部门积极性,抓好各项改革试点任务落实,高标准高质量建设自贸试验区(build high-quality free trade pilot zones with high standards)。

  • 自由贸易试验区
    pilot free trade zones
  • 自由贸易协定
    free trade agreement
  • 营商环境
    business environment
  • 投资环境
    investment environment
  • 外资准入负面清单
    negative lists for foreign investment market access