proof就是证明, pudding是西菜里的一种甜点,中文翻成布丁。the proof is in the pudding的意思是说“布丁好不好,吃了才知道”,只有通过体验才能判断事物的好坏,也就是中国人常说的“实践是真正的检验,空谈不如实证”。
- The proof is in the pudding.
- I have to say I didn't really like your sexy approach to selling our product, but the proof is in the pudding, and our market share has grown. So I have to conclude that you know exactly what you're doing, and keep up the good work!
我得说我原来并不喜欢你们那种浮夸的推销方式。不过销售的结果证明你们的做法很好;我们的市场份额增加了。所以我得出的结论就是, 你们是知道该怎么作的,各位就再接再励吧。
The proof is in the pudding这个习惯用语在14世纪就出现了,不过当时人们说的是:the proof of the pudding is in the eating。后来才逐渐演变成现在的说法:the proof is in the pudding。不过两种说法的意思是一样的,都是说只有实践才能说明好不好。
- The title of our website is "the proof is in the pudding" and then we give short descriptions of our past students and how much success they have had since they left our school. So, in other words, judge our program by its results - our past students.
我们网站的名称是“实践是真正的检验” 。我们在网上简要地介绍以前的学生以及他们毕业以后所取得的成就。换句话说,就是根据我们教学的结果,也就是我们的毕业生,来评价我们的教学项目。
的确,好的法学院往往人才辈出。比如大家熟悉的耶鲁大学法学院就培养出了美国前总统克林顿夫妇等不少杰出人士。 The proof is in the pudding,事实证明,耶鲁法学院名不虚传。