According to the regulations, passengers except for infants and those with medical conditions will not be allowed to eat or drink on the subway.
根据上述文件,在地铁车厢内进食属不文明乘车行为,如劝阻制止不听,地铁运营单位有权拒绝提供乘车服务(violators who refuse to stop such behavior despite dissuasion will be denied boarding)。交通执法部门可将这种行为纳入个人信用不良信息(such behavior will be recorded in personal credit system)。
- 采取违规进出闸机、伪造变造票卡等方式逃交票款(fare dodging);
- 在列车车厢内一人占用多个座位(one person occupying multiple seats);
- 推销产品或从事营销活动(marketing activities);
- 大声外放视频或音乐(playing videos or music without wearing headphones)。
- 值得注意的是,因不文明乘车行为(uncivil behaviors)记录个人信用不良信息的行为人,可以通过主动参加轨道交通志愿服务进行不良信息修复(wrongdoers can apply to correct the credit record by volunteering in rail transit services)。
此外,个人认为信用不良信息有误的,也可以向市交通执法部门申请个人信用不良信息复核(apply to review the record),市交通执法部门将进行核查并作出处理。
- 逃避安检 skipping security checks
- 站台乱扔杂物 littering on the platform
- 排队加塞 jumping the queue
- 越过站台黄色警戒线 stepping beyond the yellow warning line on the platform
- 咸猪手 groping
- 地铁站内涂鸦 graffiti on subway stations