英语口语 | 用say cheese!表达“ 笑一笑,说“cheese”!”

"Say cheese!" 是拍照时的常用语,类似汉语里的"说茄子",是摄影师为了让被照相的人露出笑脸。当一个人说 cheese 奶酪这个单词的时候,嘴角自然向外拉,看上去像是在微笑。

  • We need a picture to remind us of this great party. Everyone get close together and say: "Cheese!"
  • Why the long faces?! Look at the camera and say "cheese!"

值得注意的是,形容词 cheesy 通常用来形容那些廉价,劣质和格调不高的东西。

  • Some men like to wear big gold chains on hairy chests - but a lot of women don't like this cheesy look.