Illegal behaviors include failing to remind users to read privacy policies when they install or use the apps, and collecting personal information for illegitimate purposes.
- 没有公开收集使用规则(failing to publicly display rules of information collection and use),
- 没有明示收集使用个人信息的目的、方式和范围(failing to clarify the purpose, method and scope of personal information collection),
- 未经同意收集使用个人信息(collecting personal information without the users' consent),
- 违反必要性原则收集与其提供的服务无关的个人信息(collecting personal information that is not related to the functioning of the app),
- 未经同意向他人提供个人信息(providing users' personal information to others without the users' consent),
- 未按法律规定提供删除或更正个人信息功能(failing to provide features of deleting or modifying personal information),
- 侵犯未成年人在网络空间合法权益(infringing legal rights and interests of minors in cyberspace)。
App收集使用信息的目的违反合法、正当、必要原则,如仅仅以改善程序功能、提高用户体验、定向推送等为目的收集用户个人信息(collecting personal information only for the purpose of improving app functions and user experience, and targeted push);
在申请可收集个人信息的权限时,未告知收集使用的目的(failing to clarify the purpose of information collection while asking for users' authorization),如在申请调阅通讯录时没有说明原因;
每次要求用户提供个人敏感信息时,如身份证号、银行卡号等,未同步实时说明原因等也都将视为违法违规行为(failing to specify why they are asking users for sensitive information, such as an ID number or credit card number)。
- 信息收集 information collection
- 信息泄露 information leak
- 隐私政策 privacy policy
- 过度收集个人信息 over-collecting personal information
- 隐私威胁 privacy threat
- 信息安全 information security
- 身份认证 identity authentication
- 网络诈骗 cyber fraud