#第二次朝美领导人会晤#“无果”而终 朝中社称两国领导人承诺再次会晤
- 备受瞩目的朝美领导人第二次会晤落下帷幕,双方没有达成协议。
The much-anticipated second US-DPRK summit ended without an agreement. - 朝鲜半岛无核化 denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula
- 拆除核设施 dismantle nuclear production facilities
- 部分解除制裁 partial removal of sanctions
- 不懈努力 make unremitting efforts
- 惩罚犯罪、保护人民,坚决维护国家安全和社会稳定 punish crimes, protect the people, and resolutely safeguarded national security and social stability
- 深入开展扫黑除恶斗争 make headway in the campaign to combat organized crime and root out local mafia
- 加强知识产权保护 strengthen intellectual property protection
- 法治 rule of law
- 公平、正义 fairness and justice
- 最高人民法院 Supreme People's Court
- 最高人民检察院 Supreme People's Procuratorate
91岁#褚时健去世# 一生经历大起大落
- 褚橙的创始人 founder of Chu Orange
- 东山再起 stage a comback
- 中国烟草大王 China’s “tobacco king”
- 原云南红塔集团烟草公司董事长 former president of tobacco company Hongta Group
- 将濒临破产的烟草公司变为亚洲最大的烟草公司之一 transform the near-bankrupt tobacco company into the one of the largest one in Asia
- 71岁时,褚时健因“经济问题”被判无期徒刑。
Chu was sentenced to life imprisonment for “economic problems” at the age of 71. - 他在艰难时期表现出来的坚忍令人印象深刻。
His perseverance and endurance through difficult times impressed people the most.
- 将2019年GDP增长目标定为6-6.5% set 2019 GDP growth target at 6-6.5 percent
- 将居民消费价格涨幅定为3%左右 maintain consumer inflation level at around 3 percent
- 城镇新增就业1100万人以上 create over 11 million new urban jobs
- 2018年GDP增长目标是6.5%左右,但实际增长为6.6%,超过了预期目标。
China's economy outperformed the official 2018 goal of "around 6.5 percent" by expanding 6.6 percent.
- 将“嫦娥四号”探测数据向全世界开放 open data collected by the Chang'e-4 lunar probe to the world
- 2020年将发射第一个火星探测器 launch the first Mars probe in 2020
- 对火星的环绕、着陆和巡视探测 to orbit, land and rove on Mars
- 中国探月工程总设计师 chief designer of China's lunar exploration program
习近平参加政协联组会:坚定#文化自信# 把握时代脉搏 聆听时代声音
- 文化文艺工作、哲学社会科学工作就属于培根铸魂的工作。
The mission of workers in culture, literature, art and philosophy and social sciences is to nurture the root and soul of the nation; - 人民是创作的源头活水 The people are the source of creation
- 以高远志向、良好品德、高尚情操为社会作出表率 set an example for society with lofty aspirations, good morals and noble sentiments
- 观照人民生活,表达人民心声 carefully observe people's lives and express people's aspirations
- 实地调查研究 field surveys
习近平参加内蒙古代表团审议 强调加强生态文明建设
- 保持加强生态文明建设的战略定力 maintain strategic resolve in enhancing the building of an ecological civilization
- 加大生态系统保护力度 intensify protection of the ecological system
- 打好污染防治攻坚战 fight resolutely against pollution
- 把内蒙古建成我国北方重要生态安全屏障 build Inner Mongolia into an important shield for ecological security in northern China
- 守护好祖国北疆这道亮丽风景 protect the country's beautiful scenery in the northern border areas
李克强参加广西代表团审议 强调推动#高质量发展
- 保持经济运行在合理区间 keep the economic growth within an appropriate range;
- 推动高质量发展 promote high-quality development;
- 落实好减税降费等各项措施 urge solid implementation of the planned tax and fee cuts
- 为实体经济减负reduce burden on the real economy;
- 今年我国发展面临的风险挑战更多更大。
China's development faces more and graver risks and challenges in 2019.
习近平参加甘肃代表团审议 强调打赢#脱贫攻坚战
- 不获全胜、决不收兵。
There should be no retreat until a complete victory is won. - 今后脱贫攻坚任务仍然艰巨繁重。
Tasks ahead remain arduous and hard. - 脱贫攻坚工作中存在的形式主义、官僚主义现象,影响脱贫攻坚有效推进。
The practices of formalities for formalities' sake and bureaucratism hamper the effective advancement of poverty reduction. - 及时纠正干部作风问题 redress undesirable conduct of officials in a timely manner
- 各级党委和政府要坚决把责任扛在肩上。
Party committees and governments at all levels should shoulder their responsibilities.
- 法定节假日 legal holiday;
- 试点推行 a pilot implementation;
- 全国性政策 a national policy;
- 保障劳动者的权益 protect the rights and interests of employees
习近平参加河南代表团审议 谈实现乡村全面振兴
- 实施乡村振兴战略 implementation of rural revitalization strategy;
- 实现农业农村现代化 modernize agriculture and rural areas;
- 确保重要农产品特别是粮食供给 ensure supply of important farm produce, grain in particular;
- 实现粮食安全和现代高效农业相统一 achieve food security while building a modern and efficient agriculture;
- 加强农业生态环境保护 enhance protection of agriculture ecological environment;
- 农村污染防治 prevention and treatment of pollution in rural areas;
- 推动人才、土地、资本等要素在城乡间双向流动和平等交换 promote two-way flow and equal exchange of factors, including human resources, lands and capital, between urban and rural areas;
- 消除极度贫困 eradicate extreme poverty
习近平参加福建代表团审议 强调心无旁骛做实业
- 营造有利于创新创业创造的良好发展环境 create a favorable development environment for innovation, entrepreneurship and creativity;
- 最大限度释放全社会动能 unleash to the maximum the whole society's power;
- 为高技术企业成长建立加速机制 establish an acceleration mechanism for high-tech companies;
- 探索海峡两岸融合发展新路 explore new ways for integrated development across the Taiwan Straits
习近平强调落实“十三五”规划 实现中国梦强军梦
- 落实我军建设发展“十三五”规划 implement the 13th Five-Year Plan for military development;
- 强化使命担当 forge ahead with a pioneering spirit;
- 聚力备战打仗 concentrate on war preparedness;
- 确保如期完成国防和军队建设目标任务 fulfill the set targets and tasks of national defense and military development as scheduled
- 外商投资法 Foreign Investment Law
- 提高外商投资政策的透明度 improve the transparency of foreign investment policies
- 绝大多数代表投了赞成票。
An overwhelming majority of the deputies voted in favor of the law. - 十三届全国人大二次会议 the Second Session of the 13th National People's Congress
#美国麦当劳卖油条# 每根只比手指大一点
- 早餐推出新品“油条”add donut sticks to breakfast menu
- 外表裹着肉桂糖粉 sprinkle with cinnamon sugar
- 每份6根或12根 six or a dozen in a pack
- 只在早餐时段出售 be available only during breakfast hours
- 麦当劳的早餐业务持续下滑。
McDonald’s breakfast business continues to slip. - 创新菜单 menu innovation
- 重振业绩 regain lost momentum
- 食品监管部门 food watchdogs
- 控制食品安全风险 control food safety hazards
- 发霉食物 moldy food
- 引发抗议 spark an outcry
- 质量监管不到位 patchy quality control
- 餐饮服务 catering services
- 重组学校董事会 reshuffle the school board
- 不符合标准的原料 substandard materials
- 海南省海文大桥是中国首座跨越地震活动断层、抗震设防烈度最高的跨海大桥,近日已经通车。
The Haiwen Bridge recently opened to traffic in Hainan as the first cross-sea bridge crossing active faults and the most earthquake-resistant bridge in China. - 促进沿海地区产业融合 promote the integration of coastal industries;
- 抗震和防风级别高 highly resistant to earthquakes and extreme wind;
- 海上监测 marine monitor
#大妈将鲜榨果汁输入静脉#险丧命 盲目养生不可取
- 一名51岁的中国大妈为养生将20余种鲜榨果汁注入体内,险些丧命。
A 51-year-old woman in China almost died after injecting herself with over 20 kinds of liquidised fruit in a bid to be healthy. - 心肺损伤 heart and lung damage;
- 静脉注射 intravenous injection;
- 皮肤瘙痒 itchy skin;
- 重症加强护理病房 intensive care unit
- 睡眠障碍 sleep disorder
- 依赖药物 resort to medication
- 恶性循环 vicious circle
- 工作负担重 heavy workloads
- 正常生物钟 normal biological clock
- 睡眠时间短 short sleep duration
- 中美将在北京举行第八轮经贸高级别磋商。
China and the United States will hold their eighth round of high-level economic and trade consultations in Beijing. - 全面经济对话 comprehensive economic dialogue
- 贸易逆差 trade deficit
- 技术转让 technology transfer
#意大利返还796件套文物# 为近20年来最大规模
- 非法走私的文物 illegally trafficked cultural relics;
- 这是近20年来最大规模的中国文物返还,彰显了中意两国在文化交流合作方面互惠共赢的双边关系。
The repatriation, which is the largest amount of cultural relics to be returned to China over the past two decades, shows the cultural communication, cooperation and mutually beneficial relationship between China and Italy. - 极高的考古和审美价值 high archaeological and aesthetical values;
- 遗址 heritage sites
- 更加公平和有效、顺应历史发展潮流的全球治理方案 a global governance solution that is fairer, more effective and conforms to the trends of history
- 世界经济增长动能不足,发展鸿沟日益突出,冷战思维、单边主义阴霾不散。
The world is beset with lack of driving forces for economic growth, an ever more prominent gap in development, a cold war mentality and unilateralism. - 深入交流in-depth exchanges
- 坦诚协商candid consultations
- 不懈努力make unremitting efforts
- 单边主义和保护主义unilateralism and protectionism
- 习近平强调,面对严峻的全球性挑战,各国应该共同努力把人类前途命运掌握在自己手中。
Chinese President Xi Jinping urged countries around the world to make concerted efforts and jointly shape the future of mankind in the face of severe global challenges. - 广泛政治共识和坚实合作基础a broad political consensus and a solid foundation for cooperation
- 公正合理fairness and reasonableness
- 破解治理赤字address the governance deficit
- 求同存异、聚同化异seek common ground while shelving and narrowing differences
- 摒弃冷战和零和博弈思维discard Cold-War and zero-sum mentalities
- 3月28日,各族各界代表齐聚拉萨布达拉宫广场,庆祝西藏民主改革60周年。
Representatives from various ethnic groups and walks of life gathered in the Potala Palace square in Lhasa on March 28 to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the campaign of democratic reform in Tibet. - 青藏高原Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
- 解放农奴emancipation of serfs
- 政教合一的封建农奴制度the feudal serfdom of theocracy
- 砸碎了封建精神文化的枷锁smashed the shackles of feudal culture
李克强#博鳌亚洲论坛#2019年年会主旨演讲:携手应对挑战 实现共同发展
- 共同抓住机遇 work together to seize opportunities
- 迎接挑战 embrace challenges
- 寻求互利合作的双赢、多赢之道 seek win-win results in cooperation
- 放宽外资市场准入relax controls on market access for foreign investment
- 缩减负面清单 shorten the negative list
- 抓紧制定外商投资法配套法规 formulate matching regulations and rules to support the implementation of the newly-adopted foreign investment law
- 推动区域一体化 push forward regional integration
- 更好地将“一带一路”倡议与各国发展战略对接 better align the Belt and Road Initiative with development strategies of other countries
- 推动创新资源和成果共享 facilitate the sharing of innovation resources and achievements