美国习惯用语 | swallow one's pride

我昨天跟同事争得面红耳赤。美国联邦最高法院明明是11位大法官,可她非说只有9个。我还理直气壮地说人家连这点基本常识都没有。结果一查,才知道,原来真是9个,是我自己错了。这也让我想起一个可以跟大家分享的习惯用语,叫:swallow one's pride。

Swallow是吞咽,pride是骄傲。从字面上看,swallow one's pride,意思是吞下自己的骄傲,引伸为“放下自尊,忍气吞声”。

本来嘛,最高法院明明只有9个大法官,我却很无知地非说有11个,最后也只好忍气吞声地承认自己错了。You had to swallow my pride and admitted that I was wrong. Yes, I did.


  • Chef Roberto has received almost every honor for his Italian cooking. Yet, despite his years of experience, he accidentally cut his finger on live television last week. He could have pretended that nothing had happened. Instead he swallowed his pride, joking that even he makes mistakes from time to time.

或许,这样做反而更能得到大家的尊重。不久前,日本丰田汽车公司发现,已经出厂的数百万辆汽车都有毛病,于是, they swallowed their pride,宣布召回这些车辆,免费检修。


  • When my seven-year-old nephew begged me to play chess, I indulged him. My plan was to let him take out a few of my pieces to build his confidence. Imagine when he checkmated me within four moves! That was humiliating. I'm not used to swallowing my pride, but I had to admit defeat and congratulate him.


  • He had to swallow his pride and return the engagement ring.