翻译研究 | 《死侍》“小贱贱”与Little Bitchy Bitch

《死侍》(Deadpool)系列电影男主角瑞安·雷诺兹(Ryan Reynolds)被中国影迷称为“小贱贱”,因为他在该系列电影中的角色与传统“漫威”系列超级英雄截然不同,玩世不恭、百无禁忌,甚至会做出一些低俗下流的举动,通俗地说就是不要脸。


Deadpool’s Chinese fans have dubbed the character “Little Jianjian,” which Fox has loosely translated to “Little Bitchy Bitch,” though perhaps “despicable little guy” would also be appropriate, given the hard-to-define, negative-yet-endearing sense of “jian,”a trendy word at the moment.

At a presser, Reynolds laughed at the moniker. “I feel like my wife gave that to me first, but I guess China can get the credit.”

He called it the“perfect Deadpool nickname,” saying: “It could have been something much weirder, like ‘Hunting Wolf Blood-Chucker.’ I’ll take Little Bitchy Bitch any day; it’s the most fitting. In fact, ‘Deadpool 3’ should be called ‘Deadpool 3: Little Bitchy Bitch.”

Variety的编辑中文功底应该不错,发现了Little Bitchy Bitch这一译法的问题。

用little bitchy bitch翻译“小贱贱”的最大问题在于对“小贱贱”中“贱”字的误解。这种误解有两个层面,首先,小贱贱”中的“贱”不是“贱人”的“贱”,原因很简单,影迷不可能骂自己喜欢的明星。这里的“贱”意思已经发生了变化,保留了“贱人”中“不要脸”的意思,但并没有指责的意味。恰恰相反,这种不要脸让人产生好感,这是与“贱人”的本质区别。然而大洋彼岸的bitch并没有发生这样的词义变化。另外从形式上看,前面加上“小”字,并以“贱贱”这种儿语的形式出现,“贱”更难以存在什么贬义了。

英文bitch贬义太强,导致bitchy bitch起不到这里中文叠字的亲昵效果,反而加重了否定的语气。前面的little此时也会让人联想到它与“贬低”有关的用法(belittle),丧失了little dog中little的怜爱意味。


翻译研究 | “小贱贱”与Little Bitchy Bitch


If someone calls a woman a bitch, they are saying in a very rude way that they think she behaves in a very unpleasant way.



In the comics from which the movie is adapted, Deadpool is pansexual– he makes no distinction between genders or gender identity in his choice of partners. The term “bisexual” would be too narrow for Deadpool, who has flirted with Thor, propositioned Spider-Man and wouldn’t rule out, say, unicorns. A pendulum moves in just two directions; he is more like a sexual swingball.


雷诺兹说Little Bitchy Bitch是个most fitting的称呼,很可能只是逢场作戏。Variety那篇文章建议把Little Bitchy Bitch改为despicable little guy也不到位。首先,despicable,即“让人鄙视”的原因多种多样,没有传递出“贱”的特质,等于没有翻出“贱”字。影迷口中的“小贱贱”也丝毫没有鄙视雷诺兹或者他扮演的Deadpool的意思。此外,despicable+little虽然优于bitchy bitch,但贬义依然较强




The Mercwith a Mouth hasn’t played it coyly during the promotional campaign for Deadpool, and he gets even cheekier in his latest poster.

翻译研究 | “小贱贱”与Little Bitchy Bitch

这个姿势应该比较符合影迷口中对“贱”的定义了。因此,“小贱贱”或可译为“Little Cheeky Cheeky”。


翻译研究 | “小贱贱”与Little Bitchy Bitch

到了cheeky boy,还可以再进一步。前面已经提到,Deadpool虽为男性,但性取向多元,一些行为举止也像女性在扭捏撒娇(比如上面这张海报)。因此,还可尝试将boy换为多指女性,亲昵程度更强的cutie,将“小贱贱”译为cheeky cutie,比cheeky boy更让人意外,因此也更容易stick,让人印象深刻,在效果上更接近中文原文。
