美国习惯用语 | clear the air

当你跟别人发生分歧的时候,你会怎么处理?是装做没有事情发生?是自己生闷气?是就此跟朋友绝交?还是跟对方坐下来好好谈谈,努力解决分歧呢?如果你选择最后一个解决方案,Bingo! 这就是我们今天要教的习惯用语:clear the air。

clear是“清除”,air是“空气”,连起来“to clear the air”就是“清除两人间不愉快的气氛”,其引申义就是“消除隔阂”的意思。每次我要是和朋友有什么不愉快我都会这么做,clear the air,坦诚地谈谈问题,其实你们会发现,没有什么是不能解决的。


  • One of my assistants got really upset with me over an e-mail I wrote her. She felt that I was criticizing her for not doing her job right. But my intent was to offer some helpful suggestions. I've invited her out for coffee this afternoon. I'd like to clear the air. I'm hoping to explain what I meant, so that she doesn't feel upset anymore.


  • I prefer face-to-face conversation over e-mail.


  • When mom asked me if she could move in with me after dad died, I told her I needed to think about it. It's not that I don't love her. It's just that I live so far away that she wouldn't be able to see her friends or enjoy her life like before. Fortunately, over dinner last night, we clear the air. She realized that her happiness is very important to me.


  • Both parties should be willing to have a frank conversation, it could save everyone from clearing the air later on.