英语热词 | 2018年4月北京周报微博时事英语汇总


  • 从战略上把握中印关系大局
    look at the complete picture of Sino-Indian ties from a strategic perspective
  • 两国关系始终沿着正确方向前进
    relations between the two countries always proceed in the right direction
  • 友好关系不断加强
    continuous strengthening of friendly relations
  • 像长江和恒河一样奔流不息,永远向前
    continue to flow forward like the Yangtze and Ganges rivers
  • 开展更广领域、更深层次交流
    conduct exchanges in wider areas and at a deeper level
  • 共同倡导尊重文明多样性
    advocate the respect for diversity of civilizations
  • 推动不同文明和谐共处
    promote harmonious coexistence of different civilizations

朝韩第三次首脑会晤 金正恩跨过“三八线”

  • 金正恩成为朝鲜战争后首位踏上韩国土地的朝鲜最高领导人。
    to make history by becoming the first DPRK leader to step onto South Korean soil since the end of the 1950-53 Korean War
  • 朝韩第三次首脑会晤
    third inter-Korean summit
  • 站在新的历史起点上
    at the starting point of history
  • 跨越军事分界线
    walking across the military demarcation line


  • 审议《英雄烈士保护法》草案
    review a draft law to protect the reputation and honor of heroes and martyrs
  • 惩罚美化侵略战争的人
    punish people who glorify wars of invasion
  • 身着二战时期日本军服拍照,并通过网络传播
    dress in Japanese WWII army uniforms and spread the photos online
  • 亵渎英雄烈士事迹和精神
    profane the deeds and spirit of the heroes and martyrs
  • 扰乱公共秩序
    disturb the social order


  • 据称,北大学生高岩遭受教授沈阳强奸,导致其于1998年自杀。
    Gao Yan, a student of Peking University, was allegedly raped by her professor Shen Yang and then committed suicide in 1998.
  • 一些学生申请公开多年前沈阳性侵案的有关信息。
    Some students apply for information disclosure about Shen’s harassment case.
  • 学生们推动变革的努力很快成为一场与学校管理部门之间的拉锯战。
    The students' efforts to push for change soon turned into a tug-of-war between them and the school's administration.
  • 北大学生管理规定中写到,“与学生有关的其他重要事项”应当向本校学生公开。
    It is written in PKU's student regulations that "all important matters related to the students" should be disclosed.


  • 重大交通事故
    a major traffic accident
  • 身受重伤,病情危急
    in a critical condition due to serious injuries
  • 第一时间启动应急机制
    activate the emergency response mechanism at the earliest time possible
  • 要求全力抢救受伤人员,做好遇难者善后工作
    call for "all-out" effort to rescue the injured and "handle ensuing issues of the deceased"


  • 1949年4月23日,中国人民解放军海军在中国东部江苏省泰州市的一个小村庄宣告成立。
    The People’s Liberation Army Navy was born on April 23, 1949, in a small village in the city of Taizhou in China’s eastern province of Jiangsu.
  • 建设一支强大的人民海军,寄托着中华民族世代夙愿,是实现中华民族伟大复兴的重要保障。
    To build a strong navy has always been China's aspiration, which serves as a key guarantee to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
  • 中国坚定不移加快海军现代化进程。
    China pledges to speed up the modernization of the navy.
  • 今天的人民海军,正以全新姿态屹立于世界的东方!
    Today's Chinese navy has "stood up in the East" with a brand new image.


  • 中央广播电视总台正式揭牌亮相。
    China officially inaugurated the China Media Group.
  • 将其打造为引导和影响大众的新型主流媒体
    build it into a new mainstream media that was strong in guiding and influencing the public
  • 中央广播电视总台是整合中央电视台、中央人民广播电台、中国国际广播电台,而组建的新型传播平台。
    China Media Group is a new broadcasting platform made up of China Central Television, China National Radio and China Radio International.


  • 美国商务部禁止美国企业在未来七年内,向中国中兴通讯出售任何产品。
    The U.S. Commerce Department banned American firms from selling parts and software to ZTE for seven years.
  • 中兴的移动设备可能无法再使用谷歌的安卓操作系统。
    ZTE may not be able to use Google's Android operating system in its mobile devices.
  • 此举可能使美中关系进一步复杂。
    The moves threaten to further complicate relations between the United States and China.


  • 美朝已开展了高级别的直接对话。
    The United States and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) have already started direct talks at "very high levels."
  • 他和朝最高领导会面的地点,目前有五个地点正在考虑之中。
    Five sites are currently being weighed as the venue for a meeting between him and the DPRK's top leader Kim Jong Un.
  • 近几个月来,朝半岛的紧张局势有所缓解。
    Tension on the Korean Peninsula has thawed in recent months.


  • 中国常驻联合国代表呼吁有关各方在叙利亚问题上保持冷静克制。
    China's Permanent Representative to the United Nations called on parties concerned to remain calm and exercise restraint over the situation in Syria.
  • 中方一贯坚持和平解决争端,反对在国际关系中动辄使用武力或者威胁使用武力。
    China has consistently been in favor of peaceful settlement of disputes, and has been opposed to the use of force or threat of use force in international relations.
  • 叙利亚的主权、独立、统一和领土完整应得到充分尊重。
    Syria's sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity should be respected.


  • 在甲板检阅仪仗队
    inspect the guard of honor on the deck
  • 受阅舰艇按作战编组组成七个站群
    Vessels sailed in seven groups according to their combat functions.
  • 战略打击
    strategic strike
  • 水下攻击
    submerged attack
  • 远海作战
    open-sea operations
  • 航母打击
    aircraft carrier strike
  • 两栖登陆
    amphibious landing
  • 近海防御
    offshore waters defense
  • 综合保障
    comprehensive support
  • 受阅飞机组成十个梯队。
    Helicopters and planes flew in ten echelons.
  • 坚定理想信念
    be firm in ideals and convictions
  • 弘扬光荣传统
    uphold the glorious tradition
  • 加快发展新型作战力量
    develop new types of battle forces
  • 着力构建现代海上作战体系
    build a modern maritime combat system


  • Like many in the business community, I am struggling to understand why a trade war with China would be good for the U.S. economy.
  • The U.S. has a structural trade deficit with China because of the market forces of comparative advantage.
  • This trade war will hurt millions of American small businesses and farmers.


  • 青铜水器
    bronze water vessel
  • 估价
    with an anticipated selling price of
  • 强烈反对并谴责该拍卖行执意拍卖疑似非法流失文物
    strongly oppose and condemn the auction of a cultural relic suspected of having been illegally obtained from the country
  • 遵守国际公约精神与职业道德准则,尊重中国人民的文化权益与民族情感
    abide by the spirit of international agreements and code of professional ethics, as well as respect the cultural rights and national feelings of the Chinese people
  • 不赞成境内机构和个人参与上述文物的竞拍活动
    disapprove of participation by Chinese organizations and individuals in the auction
  • 呼吁国际友好人士本着人文主义精神,共同抵制疑似非法流失文物拍卖
    call on friends from the international community to stand together out of a humanistic spirit against the auction of the looted relic


  • China will take down its trade barriers because it is the right thing to do.
  • Taxes will become reciprocal and a deal will be made on intellectual property.
  • Great future for both countries!


  • 《亚洲经济一体化进程报告》
    Boao Forum for Asia Progress of Asian Economic Integration Annual Report 2018
  • 《新兴经济体发展报告》
    Boao Forum for Asia Development of Emerging Economies Annual Report 2018
  • 《亚洲竞争力报告》
    Boao Forum for Asia Asian Competitiveness Annual Report 2018



  • 天宫一号再入地球大气层,落于南太平洋区域,绝大部分器件被烧蚀销毁。
    Tiangong-1 re-entered the Earth's atmosphere over the South Pacific and was mostly burnt up.
  • 天宫一号已超期服役两年半
    Tiangong-1 was in service two and a half years longer than its designed life.
  • 标志着中国空间技术取得重大突破
    mark a significant breakthrough in China's space technology
  • 为建立空间站积累经验
    accumulate experience for developing a space station
  • 激发全国对科学和太空探索的热情
    inspire nationwide enthusiasm for science and space exploration


  • 对原产于美国的128项进口商品中止关税减让义务
    suspend tariff concessions on 128 items of U.S. products
  • 对从美国进口的水果及制品等120项进口商品加征关税税率为15%
    impose a tariff of 15 percent on 120 items of products imported from the United States including fruits and related products
  • 针对美国此前对进口钢铁和铝产品征税的反击
    a countermeasure in response to a previous U.S. move to slap tariffs on steel and aluminum imports
  • 利用世贸组织的条款,维护中国利益
    a move to safeguard China's interests using WTO rules


  • 相声演员
    crosstalk performer
  • 担任澳国家博物馆在中国的“文化大使”
    become the National Museum of Australia’s cultural ambassador in China
  • 树皮画巡回展出
    an exhibition of bark paintings on tour
  • 人文交流是双边关系的基石
    people-to-people connections can become the bedrock of strong relationships
  • “艺术没有国界……我觉得是一个特别好的纽带。”—— @郭德纲
    Arts recognize no boundaries ... I think art is a very good bond to link people together.


  • 迎来了纳斯达克敲钟时刻
    rang the Nasdaq Stock Market opening bell
  • 本次募集资金将主要用在三个方面:基础建设、内容创作者生态建设和吸引专业人才
    The money raised will be used to improve the website's IT infrastructure, fund more content creators and hire more staff.
  • 从动漫游戏相关的内容社区发展为包括了视频、直播和移动游戏等多个内容分区和媒体形态的互联网娱乐平台
    evolved from a content community inspired by anime, comics and games into a full-spectrum online entertainment platform covering a wide array of genres and media formats, including videos, live broadcasting and mobile games.


  • 在21世纪,国际贸易需要规则,而不是强权。
    In the 21st century, global trade requires rules rather than power.
  • 与其说美经济“屈服时代”已终结,不如说美经济恐吓和霸权可以休矣。
    Instead of saying the era of “economic surrender” is over, it is better for the U.S. side to say that the U.S. economic intimidation and hegemony should be eliminated.
  • 中方一直遵守世贸组织规则,维护以世贸组织为核心、以规则为基础的多边贸易体系。
    China has always complied with WTO rules and maintained a multilateral trading system with the WTO as its core and rules as the basis.
  • 我们有信心和能力在任何情况下都维护好国家的正当合法利益。
    China has the confidence and ability to safeguard its legitimate interests under any circumstances.

宝马汽车扩大召回相关车辆 共计44052辆

  • 在安全气囊展开时,对司机存在安全隐患
    pose safety hazards to drivers when the air bags are deployed
  • 召回
  • 免费更换问题零件
    change defective parts for free
  • 气囊气体发生器
    gas generators in the air bags