美国习惯用语 | have one's finger on the pulse

最近我们给园艺社社长举办了一个庆功会!她在一次地区园艺大赛上获得了杰出成就奖。其实这也不奇怪,她经常参加全国各地的园艺大会和比赛,而且一直紧跟园艺界最新走向。她对园艺的这种热情执着,我们可以用一个词来形容。那就是:have one's finger on the pulse。

大家都知道,finger是“手指”的意思,pulse指的是“脉搏”,那么have one's finger on the pulse手指放在脉搏上,意思就是“紧跟最新动态”。

  • When it comes to gardening, our club president seems to have her finger on the pulse.

在美国,Super Bow超级杯一向都是全民关注的重点。而中场表演嘉宾也备受瞩目。今年的表演者是Madonna麦当娜,让我们来听听下面这位娱乐记者的介绍:

  • Madonna has sold more than 300 million records worldwide. She's also recognized as the top-selling female rock artist of the 20th century. How did she become so immensely popular? She continuously reinvented her music and image based on what the public was looking for. Especially during the 1980s and 90s, Madonna always had her finger on the pulse.


  • I keep my finger on the pulse of fashion through window shopping or watching fashion shows.


  • It's clear to me why our company is falling behind our competitors. We need to understand our younger customers. They're much more familiar with communications, media and digital technologies. If we want to be successful, we have to show that we have our finger on the pulse of modern life.


  • Companies need fresh ideas in order to keep their fingers on the pulse of the market.