




1. What does “umbrage” mean?

A: resentment
B: bright sunshine
C: utter confusion

2. What does “sobriquet” mean?

A: nickname
B: tight bandage
C: barbecue coal

3. What does “feckless” mean?

A: bold and daring
B: of clear complexion
C: weak and ineffective

4. What does “bailiwick” mean?

A: special domain
B: holiday candle
C: dugout canoe

5. What does “onus” mean?

A: proof of residency or status
B: burden
C: unique entity

6. What does “ductile” mean?

A: of plumbing
B: easily shaped
C: weak and ineffective

7. What does “troglodyte” mean?

A: cave dweller or reclusive person
B: bird of prey
C: know-it-all

8. What does “paean” mean?

A: fervent prayer
B: lowly worker
C: song of praise

9. What does “sangfroid” mean?

A: snooty attitude
B: coolness under pressure
C: French chef

10. What does “redoubtable” mean?

A: bold and daring
B: of clear complexion
C: formidable

11. What does “imprecate” mean?

A: accuse
B: curse
C: pester or distract

12. What does “modicum” mean?

A: small portion
B: middle path
C: daily dosage

13. What does “somnambulist” mean?

A: a sleepwalker
B: hypnotizer
C: historian

14. What does “restive” mean?

A: comfortable
B: leftover
C: fidgety

15. What does “anomie” mean?

A: arch foe
B: mutual attraction
C: social instability



  • 9分及以下为不及格
  • 10-12分为及格
  • 13-15分为优秀



Source: https://www.rd.com/culture/word-power-smarter-high-school/