

To govern such a big country with so many people and so complex national conditions, we, the leaders of China need to discharge our responsibilities with utmost care as if we are walking on thin ice or standing on the edge of an abyss. To quote a Chinese adage, "Governing a big country is as delicate as frying a small fish".


According to Chuang Tzu, "If water is not piled up deep enough, it won't have the strength to bear up a big boat." Let's work together to enable the large boat of China-Mexico friendly cooperation to ride the wind and forge ahead in the vast ocean of China-Mexico friendship.


As a Russian proverb goes, "Big ships sail far." We also have lines of an ancient poem which read, "A time will come to ride the wind and cleave the waves, I'll set my cloudlike sail to cross the sea which raves."


"Boundless is the ocean where we sail with the wind." Like a vast ocean, the Asia Pacific offers enough sailing space for us to make progress together.


可持续,就是要发展和安全并重以实现持久安全。“求木之长者,必固其根本;欲流之远者,必浚其泉源。” 贫瘠的土地上长不成和平的大树,连天的烽火中结不出发展的硕果。(2014年5月21日在亚信第四次峰会上的讲话)
Sustainable security means that we need to focus on both development and security so that security would be durable. As a Chinese saying goes, for a tree to grow tall, a strong and solid root is required; for a river to reach far, an unimpeded source is necessary. The tree of peace does not grow on barren land while the fruit of development is not produced amidst flames of war.


There is a French saying: "Little by little, the bird builds its nest." And there is a Chinese saying: "A towering tree grows out of a small seedling; a nine-storeyed terrace begins with heaps of earth."


It is my sincere wish that Mongolia will make great strides forward in its national development just like ten thousand horses galloping ahead with full vitality. I also sincerely hope that China-Mongolia comprehensive strategic partnership will advance at fast speed and achieve resounding success.


Culturally, the two sides should enhance inter-civilizational dialogue and cultural exchanges. As a Chinese saying puts it, one should first of all respect one's own culture, and also appreciate the culture of others for the prosperity of human civilization. This philosophy will guide our two sides to develop an exemplary relationship of different civilizations living in harmony and reinforcing each other.


“和如羹焉,水、火、醯、醢、盐、梅,以烹鱼肉。” “声亦如味,一气,二体,三类,四物,五声,六律,七音,八风,九歌,以相成也。”“若以水济水,谁能食之?若琴瑟之专壹,谁能听之?”(2014年3月27日在联合国教科文组织总部的演讲)
Achieving harmony is like preparing the thick soup. Only with the right amount of water, fire, vinegar, meat sauce, salt and plum can fish and meat be cooked with the right taste." "It is the same when it comes to music. Only by combining the sounds of different instruments with the right rhythm and pitch as well as tone and style can you produce an excellent melody." "Who will like the soup with nothing but water in it? What ear can tolerate the same tone played repeatedly on one instrument?"


All living things are nourished without injuring one another; all roads run parallel without interfering with one another." The Chinese dream offers an opportunity to France; so does the French dream to China.