英语热词 | 高科技闪耀互联网大会 World Internet Conference

The fifth World Internet Conference kicks off in Wuzhen, Zhejiang province on Wednesday. Fifteen cutting-edge technologies achievements were released at the conference.

英语热词 | 高科技闪耀互联网大会 World Internet Conference

第五届世界互联网大会以"创造互信共治的数字世界——携手共建网络空间命运共同体"(Creating a Digital World for Mutual Trust and Collective Governance - Towards a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace)为主题,围绕多个议题开展丰富多样的活动和论坛(host diversified activities and forums on various topics)。

大会共设置19场分论坛,热点议题包括:金融科技与信用社会建设(FinTech and Construction of a Social Credit System);大数据时代的个人信息保护(Protection of Personal Information in the Age of Big Data);工业互联网的创新与突破(Innovation & Breakthroughs in Industrial Internet);网络反恐国际合作(International Cooperation in Countering Cyber-terrorism);物联网:连接无处不在(The Internet of Things: Towards a Connected World);人工智能:融合发展新机遇(AI: New Opportunity for Integration and Development)等。

大会发布了"世界互联网领先科技成果"。据了解,此前,世界互联网领先科技成果推荐委员会已面向全球征集互联网领先科技成果400余项(more than 400 leading internet scientific and technological achievements),涵盖了互联网的基础理论(fundamental theory)、技术创新(technological innovation)、产品加工与装配(product process and assembly)、商业模式(business model)和综合五大类。最终,以下15项互联网科技成果从全球征集的数百项成果中脱颖而出:

  1. 微信小程序商业模式创新
    WeChat mini-program business model innovation
  2. 华为昇腾310芯片
    Ascend 310, a program AI processor developed by Huawei
  3. 蚂蚁金服自主可控的金融级商用区块链平台
    Proprietary financial-grade blockchain platform of Ant Financial
  4. 破解信息孤岛的接口高效互操作技术与燕云DaaS系统
    Highly efficient Interoperability technology for opening information islands and YanCloud DaaS system
  5. 亚马逊全托管平台
    Amazon SageMaker
  6. 360安全大脑-分布式智能网络安全防御系统
    360 brain of security-distributed intelligent cybersecurity protection system
  7. 京东智能供应链技术服务平台
    Smart supply chain technology service platform developed by JD
  8. 百度Apollo自动驾驶开放平台
    Baidu's Apollo autonomous driving platform
  9. 安谋中国全新人工智能平台周易
    Arm China AI platform Zhouyi
  10. 特斯拉智能售后服务
    Tesla smart post-sales service
  11. SupET工业互联网平台
    SupET industrial internet platform
  12. 全球首款全集成5G新空口毫米波及6GHz以下射频模组
    5G NR millimeter wave&sub-6 GHz RF modules
  13. CPU硬件安全动态监测管控技术
    Dynamic check and control technology for CPU hardware security
  14. AzureSphere-基于微控制器的物联网安全解决方案
    AzureSphere – A security solution of IoT based on MCU
  15. 小米面向智能家居的人工智能开放平台
    Xiaomi's AI open platform for smart homes