英语口语 | 7个语法错误但口语里都这么说的英语


1. Ain't


  • Say it ain't so. (不会吧?)
  • It ain't bad. (不错嘛)
  • It ain't necessarily so (也不完全是,也是乔治格什温经典音乐剧Porgy and Bess其中一首歌名)

2. Not going nowhere

正确的用法应该是'not+any...'. 但是口语里也常用no+no...的形式。

  • I am not going no where. (我哪儿也不去)
  • I don't love nobody.(我谁都不爱)
  • I didn't do nothing wrong. (我什么也没做错)

3. Gonna

Going to的意思。可能是口语里最常用的语法错误代表。

  • I'm gonna go to work now. (我去上班啦)
  • Are you gonna join us? (你来吗?)
  • I'm not gonna marry him. (我才不会跟他结婚)

4. No当not用

口语里经常会出现no代替not, 例如

  • I am no role model for success. (我可不是成功的楷模.)
  • She's no angel. (她可不是省油的灯.)
  • You're no better than me. (你比我好不到哪儿去.)

5. How goes it?

正确的应该是How is it going? (最近怎么样?)但是口语里常说How goes it?

6. Someone is good people

  • 虽然people是复数,但是口语里说一个人是好人,常说'He'she's good people.' 不用说'He/she is a good person.'

7. They指某一个人

没有特指一个人,正确的说法应该是'he or she'。但是这样多麻烦,所以口语里也可以用‘they'来指代。