翻译研究 | Caravan与“大篷车”



翻译研究 | Caravan与“大篷车”


NBC News网站题为《Five myths about the Honduran caravan debunked》的报道中,开篇第一句话为“A caravan of thousands of Honduran migrants is headed north in hopes of crossing the U.S. border.”可见,如果是“大篷车”的话,这里只有一辆车,不是什么车队。一辆大篷车显然不能装下几千人。


翻译研究 | Caravan与“大篷车”


翻译研究 | Caravan与“大篷车”



翻译研究 | Caravan与“大篷车”



Caravan在这里的意思应为a company of travelers on a journey through desert or hostileregions,核心意思就是一群艰难跋涉的人。同时,这个词与吉普赛人的联系也暗合了移民举家迁徙、背井离乡、居无定所的实际情况。


For many in the caravan, the logic is simple: life at home is increasingly impossible, and travelling alone is too dangerous, especially in Mexico, where criminal gangs target migrants for rape, robbery and extortion.


The caravan started on Oct. 12, with around 120 migrants gathered in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, near the Guatemala border, readying for a long trek to the U.S., Fuentes told UNE TV in Honduras. Migrantshave increasingly left their native countries in larger groups as a defense from criminal gangs that prey on them during the journey through Central America and Mexico.


A caravan of migrants, nearly all of them Hondurans, is making its way north through Guatemala toward Mexico and the United States. It is the latest, and certainly the largest, iteration of aphenomenon that has occurred from time to time: big groups of Central Americans joining together to face the challenges of migration, their numbers providing security against the criminal that stalk the route north.


可见,caravan形成的重要原因就是利用人数优势让这些移民不受帮派和犯罪分子的袭扰和劫掠。因此,“人数众多”是caravan的中心意思。词典释义中的a company of travelers在这里就是a large company of travelers。

一些媒体将a caravan of migrants译为“移民大军”。这种处理抓住了caravan的要点。有的媒体给“大军”加了双引号,这样做没有必要,因为“大军”本来就有“比喻从事相同的工作或具有相同境遇的大规模群体”的意思。

考虑到这些洪都拉斯人前往美国是为了逃离深陷暴力犯罪和贫穷的洪都拉斯,如果想把“旅途艰难”这层次要含义也体现出来的话,或可不必拘泥于原文migrant,将其译为“难民大军”。Newsweek题为《TRUMP ADMINISTRATION ACCUSES MIGRANTCARAVAN MEMBERS OF 'VIOLENCE' AS GROUP SWELLS TO 7,000》的报道中就直接称这些人为asylum-seekers:

The Trump administration warned Sunday that it was "closely following" the movements of a caravan of Central American asylum seekers headed to the United States as the group's numbers swelled to include as many as 7,000 people.
