双语阅读 | 港珠澳大桥靠左还是靠右行?你想知道的都在这里

连接粤港澳三地的世界最长跨海大桥——港珠澳大桥(the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge),历经5年前期设计,9年建设,终于将在本周三(10月24日)通车啦!


双语阅读 | 港珠澳大桥靠左还是靠右行?你需要知道的都在这里


❶ 什么车可以上桥?有什么交通方式让我使用这座桥?

双语阅读 | 港珠澳大桥靠左还是靠右行?你需要知道的都在这里


Among the vehicle types authorized to use the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, shuttle buses will run only between the ports of Hong Kong and Zhuhai/Macao, not crossing any boundaries.

Cross-boundary coaches via HZMB operate similarly to current coaches that run between the Chinese mainland and the two special administrative regions through existing ports, such as the Shenzhen Bay Port.

Cross-boundary private cars under quotas for existing boundary crossings (i.e. Shenzhen Bay and Lok Ma Chau) will be allowed to use the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge without additional procedures on a trial basis.


According to figures from the Transport Department in Hong Kong, the number of Hong Kong cross-boundary private cars issued with valid Closed Road Permits (CRP) was 30,400 as of 2017. The number of mainland cross-border boundary cars with such permits is more than 20,000, according to the bridge operator, HZMB Authority.

Governments in Hong Kong and the mainland have both promised flexible adjustment of quotas for cross- boundary private cars in accordance with the traffic volume after the bridge opens.


❷ 大桥上的车靠左还是靠右行?车速限制是多少?

The HZMB has a dual 3-lane carriageway; the speed limit is 100km/h on the main bridge.

As the bridge is mostly located in mainland waters, vehicles will keep to the right of the road. Cars can change to the left after having passed the boundary checkpoints in Hong Kong and Macao.

双语阅读 | 港珠澳大桥靠左还是靠右行?你需要知道的都在这里

❸ 大桥怎么收费?

The HZMB Authority will be in charge of the bridge toll. The toll is in Renminbi. There’s only one toll plaza with 20 toll gates, which is located near the Macao and Zhuhai ports on the mainland side. All toll gates will be available for auto-toll systems in Hong Kong and Guangdong province. Besides cash, bank cards and e-payment such as WeChat Pay and Alipay are all available.

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❹ 三地共建的大桥,谁负责管理?如何通关?桥上发生意外怎么办?

The Main Bridge located in mainland waters will be managed by the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Authority, which was jointly founded by the governments of Guangdong province, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Macao SAR in 2010. It is responsible for the construction, operation, maintenance and management of the Main Bridge.

The Authority is located in Zhuhai. Meanwhile, there are monitoring centers and departments charged with responsibilities such as road rescue, maintenance and fire services, on the west and east artificial islands of the bridge, for daily operation, maintenance and emergencies.

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The ports in Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao will be open 24 hours daily. They are built and managed by local governments respectively. Zhuhai and Macao will cooperate to implement a one-off customs clearance in the two ports. The two cities will share immigration data, allowing travelers to finish the exit and entry process in one pass.

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❶ 大桥多长?为什么中间还有隧道和人工岛?

HZMB is a 55-kilometer long bridge-island-tunnel complex across the Pearl River Estuary. It is the world’s longest sea crossing. The bridge consists of a 6.7-km undersea tunnel, which is the country’s first offshore immersed tunnel and the world’s longest immersed tunnel for road traffic. It is connected to the bridge through two offshore artificial islands.

双语阅读 | 港珠澳大桥靠左还是靠右行?你需要知道的都在这里

The tunnel is built to reserve room for a planned shipping channel for passenger liners with a displacement of 300,000 tons. As the planned location is close to the Hong Kong International Airport, where there is height limitation in the airspace, a tunnel must be built subsea instead of a bridge with tall towers.

❷ 大桥是什么时候开始建的?花了多少钱?

The plan to build a link road across the Pearl River Estuary was first initiated by Hong Kong industrialist Gordon Wu Ying-sheung in 1983. After several twists and turns, the Feasibility Study started in March 2004 under State Council’s approval. The study report was approved in October 2009, followed by a commencement ceremony on Dec 15 in the same year, chaired by then Vice-Premier Li Keqiang in Zhuhai.


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So far, the latest cost of HZMB is about 120 billion yuan (US$17.4 billion), of which the 29.6-km Main Bridge invested by three governments is about 48.1 billion yuan. The rest are investments by individual governments on their ports and link roads to the Main Bridge. The cost allocation among the three governments shown as above is settled by the assessment of economic benefits they can get after the bridge opens.


❶ 为什么要建这座桥?

➀ 对香港:连接珠江口西岸,为经济发展打开腹地,与粤西、广西省等建立更快速的陆路连接,巩固香港航运中心、空港中心、国际货柜码头的地位;加强与祖国内陆的交流,进一步融入国家发展大局

➁ 对内地:带动粤西和广西的经济发展;促进特区与内地交流;增加粤港澳大湾区内交通联系,促进粤港澳大湾区发展;更好地利用香港发达的航运和国际联系;通过陆路将香港与西部广袤的大陆连接,直通东南亚,促进“一带一路”发展

➂ 对澳门:增强与香港和内地的联系,促进产业多样化

双语阅读 | 港珠澳大桥靠左还是靠右行?你需要知道的都在这里


The most important benefit is that the bridge will provide the east and west of the Pearl River Estuary with direct road connections, which can enormously facilitate the development of industries that rely on fast transportation, such as logistics, food and convention and exhibition.

❷ 为什么港珠澳大桥不连接深圳?




Looking toward the future of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Liu Xiaodong, a major designer of HZMB, told China Daily that there will be five bridges across the Pearl River Estuary by around 2035, or one sea crossing every 20 kilometers parallelly.

Future traffic demand was taken into account during the preliminary design for the bridge, back in 2003, Liu said.

“You can’t expect one bridge to meet all needs,” Liu said. “HZMB may not carry the largest traffic volume; as the first sea crossing in the Pearl River Estuary, it will pave the way for the adjustment of industrial structure in the Bay Area,” he said.

HZMB has also accumulated precious experience for similar projects in the future.

The under-construction Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link is a perfect example. Based on technologies, marine data, talents and all the other experience from HZMB, the new link is also a bridge-island-tunnel complex, about 40 kilometers to the north of HZMB.