英语热词 | 哈佛招生涉嫌种族歧视 racial discrimination

A lawsuit alleging racial discrimination against Asian-Americans in Harvard University's admissions process headed to trial in Boston's federal court Monday.

在庭审中,"学生支持公平招生"组织的律师在长达1小时的开庭陈述(opening statement)中指控哈佛大学故意使用模糊不清的"个人评价"来拒绝亚裔美国申请人而照顾其他种族背景的学生(use a vague "personal rating" to reject Asian-American applicants in favor of students from other racial backgrounds)。

诉讼书称,亚裔美国申请人的学习成绩优于其他任何一个种族(Asian-American applicants bring stronger academic records than any other race),但他们的录取率最低(they are admitted at the lowest rate)。该组织说,这是因为哈佛大学给他们的个人评价分数较低(give them lower scores on the personal rating)。

哈佛大学的律师团队则否认存在任何歧视行为,称种族仅仅是考虑因素之一(race is just one factor that's considered),只会增加学生被录取的可能性。此次庭审对其他数十所美国高校具有重大意义(carry weighty implications for dozens of other US colleges)。

  • 大学招生 college admission
  • 种族偏见 racial bias
  • 受欢迎程度 likeability
  • 个人特质 personal traits
  • 平权法案 Affirmative Action