英语热词 | 美国退出万国邮政联盟 Universal Postal Union (UPU)

US President Donald Trump has decided to withdraw the United States from the United Nations postal agency - Universal Postal Union (UPU) - after the Department of State determined in a report a lack of progress of the UPU reforms, the White House said in a news release on Wednesday.

  • Universal Postal Union (UPU) 万国邮政联盟
  • news release 通讯社或政府机构发布的新闻稿(等于press release)

英语热词 | 美国退出万国邮政联盟 Universal Postal Union (UPU)

"The President concurs with the Department of State’s recommendation to adopt self-declared rates for terminal dues as soon as practical and no later than January 1, 2020," White House Press spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in the release. "The Department of State will also file notice that the United States will withdraw from the UPU."

  • concur with 同意;同…一致
  • the Department of State (美国)国务院
  • self-declared 自称的;自命的
  • terminal dues 终端费(即各国邮政运营商在本国国内运送来自他国邮件时从他国获取的收入)
  • as soon as practical 在实际可行的情况下尽快
  • file notice 指发函通知,此处的file为动词,意为发起、提出

The State Department report revealed insufficient reforms in the UPU in line with the US policies outlined in Trump’s memorandum in August.

  • reveal v./n. 显示;透露;揭露
  • in line with 符合;与…一致
  • memorandum 备忘录;便笺

Sanders explained that the United States will try to negotiate multilateral agreements to resolve the issues detailed in August memorandum during the yearlong withdrawal period outlined in the UPU Constitution.

  • resolve the issue 解决问题

Should the negotiations prove successful, the Trump administration is prepared to rescind the notice of withdrawal and remain in the UPU, Sanders added.

  • Should 在此是虚拟语气,等于 if 引导的虚拟条件句
  • rescind 解除;废除;撤回