英语热词 | 王宝强前经纪人宋喆因职务侵占罪获刑6年 embezzlement

Song Zhe, Chinese actor Wang Baoqiang's former agent, was sentenced to six years for embezzlement on Thursday morning. His accomplice Xiu Yule was sentenced to three years.|

  • agent  n.代理人,代理商,经纪人;药剂;特工 vt.由…作中介;由…代理 adj.代理的
  • be sentenced to  被判处,被宣判
  • embezzlement /ɪmˈbezlmənt/  n. 侵占;挪用;盗用(公款);贪污
  • accomplice /ə'kʌmplɪs/  同谋者;共犯

英语热词 | 王宝强前经纪人宋喆因职务侵占罪获刑6年 embezzlement

Song, together with Xiu, took advantage of his position as Wang's agent and the manager of Wang's studio to falsely report the actor's activities and advertising endorsement fee, according to an online statement released by Beijing Chaoyang District people's court on Thursday.

  • took advantage of one’s position 利用某人职务之便
  • advertising endorsement fee  广告代言费;endorsement指认可,支持,签注(文件),代言。

He misappropriated funds of about 2.33 million yuan ($340,000) during his employment from 2014 to 2016, about 1.68 million yuan ($240,000) of which was embezzled by Xiu, the statement said.

  • misappropriate  vt. 侵占;盗用;滥用
  • embezzle  vt. 盗用;挪用;贪污

Song and Xiu pleaded guilty at the trial and agreed to pay back all the money voluntarily to recover the company's loss. The 2.33 million yuan which had been confiscated during the case will be returned to Wang's studio as soon as the judgment takes effect.

  • plead  vt. 借口;为...辩护;托称 vi. 恳求;辩护
  • pleaded guilty  指承认有罪;服罪
  • trial  n. 试验;审讯;努力;磨炼 adj. 试验的;审讯的
  • pay back  偿还;报答
  • confiscate /'kɒnfɪskeɪt/  vt. 没收;充公;查抄 adj. 被没收的