英语热词 | 长春长生被处巨额罚款91亿元 hefty fine

Jilin Food and Drug Administration revoked the company’s pharmaceutical production license, confiscated the illegally-produced vaccines and total income of 1.89 billion yuan from defective vaccine sales, and imposed a fine of 7.21 billion yuan. The hefty fine of 7.21 billion yuan was three times the total value of the defective vaccines produced and sold by the company.

英语热词 | 长春长生被处巨额罚款91亿元 hefty fine


  • 狂犬病疫苗 human rabies vaccine
  • 违反了中国药品管理和生产监督的相关法律法规 violate China's laws and regulations on drug management and production supervision
  • 违规行为包括勾兑混合不同批次的疫苗原液、伪造生产日期以及使用过期的疫苗原液生产部分批次产品。 Violations included blending different batches of vaccine fluid, falsifying dates of production and using expired fluid to produce some of the batches.
  • 行政处罚决定administrative penalty decision
  • 巨额罚款 hefty fine