英语热词 | 在线开方让患者少跑腿 issue prescriptions online

The National Health Commission recently released a notice saying informatization of medical institutions should be further advanced so that doctors can issue prescriptions online to treat some common diseases and chronic diseases as long as they know the patient's entire medical history and physical traits.

日前,国家卫健委发布《互联网诊疗管理办法(试行)》。办法明确了互联网诊疗的定义。互联网诊疗是指医疗机构利用在本机构注册的医师,通过互联网等信息技术开展部分常见病、慢性病复诊和"互联网+"家庭医生(family doctor)签约服务。

英语热词 | 在线开方让患者少跑腿 issue prescriptions online

办法规定,医师开展互联网诊疗活动应当依法取得相应执业资质(practicing certificates),具有3年以上独立临床工作经验(clinical experience),且仅可在线开具常见病、慢性病的处方(only prescriptions for common illnesses and chronic diseases are allowed to be issued online)。

医疗机构在线开展部分常见病、慢性病复诊时,医生应掌握患者病历(medical history)资料,确定患者在实体医疗机构(brick-and-mortar medical institutions)明确诊断为某种或几种常见病、慢性病后,可以针对相同诊断进行复诊。此外,不得开具麻醉药品(narcotic drugs)、精神药品(psychotropic drugs)等特殊管理药品的处方。为低龄儿童(6岁以下)开具互联网儿童用药处方时,应该确认患儿有监护人(guardian)和相关专业医师陪伴。

此举将为许多慢性病患者带来便利、为他们节省时间(bring convenience and save time for many patients with chronic diseases),同时也会使医疗服务更有效率(make medical services more efficient)。

  • 慢性病 chronic diseases
  • 急性病 acute diseases
  • 遵医嘱 follow the doctors' advice
  • 在线开药 prescribe medicines online
  • 互联网医疗咨询市场 online medical consulting market