英语口语 | 用be in the hot seat表达“身负重任、处境艰难,需要解决非常困难且重大的问题”

本文和大家分享的英语口语表达是be in the hot seat。该表达的字面意思是“坐在热椅子里”,引申义用来形容 “身负重任、处境艰难,需要解决非常困难且重大的问题”。

如果某人 “be in the hot seat”,那么这个人很有可能因自己的处境招致责难。“hot seat” 的原义是 “电椅”。

  • There's a new manager in the hot seat today.
  • His parents asked him lots of questions to see if he was telling the truth. They really put him in the hot seat.
  • The teacher put the student in the hot seat, asking her questions to see how much she could remember.