英语热词 | 毕业生就业力排名出炉 employability

Chinese universities record strong performance in graduate employment, with 34 universities entering the world's top 500 universities for graduate employability, a latest ranking showed.

11日,英国专业教育公司Quacquarelli Symonds(QS)发布2019年QS毕业生就业力排名榜(the QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2019)。QS依据5项指标编制了这份榜单(use five indicators to compile the ranking):雇主评价(employer reputation)、校友成就(alumni outcomes)、大学与雇主合作关系(partnerships with employers)、雇主与学生关系(employer/student connections)以及毕业生就业率(graduate employment rate)。

英语热词 | 毕业生就业力排名出炉 employability
People walk near the gate of Tsinghua University in Beijing, China, July 27, 2016.


从整体排名看,占据排行榜前四位的都是美国大学(American universities take the top four places),其中,麻省理工学院首次名列全球毕业生就业力排名榜榜首(have been crowned the best university in the world for graduate employability for the first time),斯坦福大学和加州大学洛杉矶分校分列2、3位。这三所大学的毕业生在就业市场上是最抢手的(the most sought after)。

  • 就业创业 employment and entrepreneurship
  • 慢就业 delayed employment
  • 自由职业者 freelancer
  • 自主创业 self-employment
  • 就业压力 employment pressure