
一、国事访问 State Visit

指一国国家元首应另一国国家元首(head of state)的邀请,对该国进行的正式外交访问,是两个国家间最高规格的外交交流。

A state visit is a formal visit by a head of state to a foreign country, at the invitation of that country's head of state, with the latter also acting as the official host for the duration of the state visit. Speaking for the host, it is generally called a state reception.


  • 鸣放礼炮 21 响。
    A 21-gun salute is fired in honor of the visiting head of state.
  • 军乐队奏两国国歌,先奏到访元首国家国歌。
    The playing of the two national anthems by a military band. The guest anthem is played first usually.
  • 检阅仪仗队。
    A review of military honor guards.
  • 两国元首交换礼物。
    An exchange of gifts between the two heads of state.
  • 东道主举行国宴,款待到访国元首,尊其为贵宾。
    State dinners, hosted by the hosting head of state, with the visiting head of state being the guest of honor.
  • 到访国元首通常受邀对全体议员发表正式演讲。
    Often the visiting head of state is invited to deliver a formal address to the assembled members of the legislature.


二、正式访问 Official Visit

指一国领导人应另一国领导人的正式邀请,对邀请国进行的访问,有时也可称 为友好访问(goodwill visit)或正式友好访问(official goodwill visit)。正式访问的礼宾规格与国事访问大体相同,主要的区别是在欢迎仪式 上的礼炮鸣放为 19 响。

三、工作访问 Working Visit


四、非正式访问 Unofficial Visit

国家领导人以私人身份进行的访问称为私人访问(private visit),途经某国所进行的访问可称为“顺道访问”(stopover visit),不便公开报道的访问则称为 秘密访问(highly confidential visit)。过境访问(transit visit),一般发生在飞行时间较长的访问途中。

此外,国家之间还会进行礼节性访问(courtesy/ceremonial visit),并会对他国的访问进行回访(return visit),如果时间紧促则会开展短暂访问、闪电 式访问(brief visit/flying visit)。


  • at the invitation of... 应……邀请
  • in the company of.../accompanied by... 在……陪同下
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs 外交部
  • Protocol Department 礼宾司
  • Information Department 新闻司
  • diplomatic mission 外交代表机构
  • embassy 大使馆
  • legation 公使馆
  • consulate-general 总领事馆
  • consulate 领事馆
  • office of the chargé d'affaires 代办处
  • military attaché's office 武官处
  • commercial counsellor's office 商务处
  • press section/information service 新闻处
  • liaison office 联络处
  • diplomat 外交家, 外交官
  • diplomatic rank 外交官衔
  • diplomatic representative 外交代表
  • counsellor with the rank of minister/minister-counsellor 公使衔参赞
  • counsellor 参赞
  • first secretary 一等秘书
  • diplomatic parlance/diplomatese 外交辞令
  • attaché 随员
  • international camp 国际阵营
  • international community 国际社会
  • international position 国际地位
  • international practice 国际惯例
  • international convention 国际公约
  • international treaty 国际条约
  • superpower/VIP(Very Important Power)超级大国
  • non-aligned state 不结盟国家
  • puppet state 傀儡国家
  • peripheral power 外围势力国家
  • independent state 独立国
  • sovereign state 主权国
  • neutral state 中立国
  • monarchy 君主国
  • protective state 保护国(保护别国的)
  • dependent country 附属国
  • ally 同盟国
  • most favored nation 最惠国
  • host country 东道国