英语热词 | 各地各式各样的月饼用英语怎么说?

一、广式月饼(Cantonese-style Mooncake)

  • 流心奶黄月饼
    Lava Egg Custard Mooncake
  • 莲蓉双黄月饼
    Mooncake with Double Yolks and Lotus Seed Paste
  • 细沙月饼
    Red Bean Paste Mooncake
  • 枣泥核桃月饼
    Date Paste and Walnut Mooncake
  • 松仁黑麻月饼
    Mooncake with Black Sesame Paste and Pine Nuts
  • 粒粒香芋月饼
    Taro Mooncake
  • 高纤椰蓉月饼
    Coconut Mooncake
  • 五仁叉烧月饼
    Five Kernel and Roast Pork Mooncake
  • 栗子竹炭月饼
    Charcoal Skin Mooncake with Chestnut Filling
  • 巧克力流心月饼
    Molten Chocolate Mooncake
  • 五仁月饼
    Five Kernel Mooncake

二、苏式月饼(Su Style Mooncake)

  • 苏式鲜肉月饼
    Su Style Savory Mooncake with Pork Filling
  • 苏式椒盐月饼
    Pepper and Salt Mooncake
  • 小龙虾月饼
    Spicy Crayfish Mooncake
  • 芝士大虾鲜肉月饼
    Mooncake with Cheese, Shrimp and Minced Pork
  • 榨菜鲜肉月饼
    Pork and pickle mooncake
  • 腌笃鲜月饼
    Fresh baked mooncake with pork, bacon and and bamboo shoots
  • 酸菜牛蛙月饼
    Mooncake with Pickled Cabbage and Bullfrog Meat

三、京式月饼(Beijing Style Mooncake)

  • 京式自来红月饼
    Beijing Brown Skin Mooncake
  • 山楂翻毛月饼
    “Furry” Mooncake with Hawthorn Jelly

四、冰皮月饼(Snow Skin Mooncake)

  • 冰皮香柚月饼
    Snow Skin Pomelo Mooncake
  • 榴莲冰皮月饼
    Snow Skin Durian Mooncak

五、新式月饼(New style Mooncakes)

  • 巧克力脆皮冰激凌月饼
    Ice Cream Mooncake with Crunchy Chocolate Crust
  • 抹茶红豆月饼
    Mooncake with Matcha Paste and Red Beans
  • 紫薯山药月饼
    Yam and Purple Sweet Potato Paste Mooncake
  • 乳酪月饼
    Cream Cheese Mooncake
  • 焦糖咖啡月饼
    Caramel Lava and Coffee Mooncake


  • 滇式云腿月饼
    Yunnan Ham Mooncake
  • 潮式绿豆蓉月饼
    Teochew Style Mung Bean Mooncake
  • 台式凤梨月饼
    Pineapple Mooncake

推荐阅读:英语热词 | 中秋佳节,嫦娥、玉兔、赏月、吃月饼等用英语怎么说?