1. I’m beat 累毙了
看到 “I’m beat”,千万别以为是被打到的意思,beat在英文俚语作形容词用,形容一个人累到“筋疲力竭”的状态。你也可以用一般的说法 “I’m exhausted”但 “I’m beat.” 的表达非常传神又口语化,值得学起来秀一翻!
- I’ve been cleaning up my room since this morning. I’m beat!
2. I’m fried 累瘫
fried 表面意思为“油炸的”,如fried chicken等油炸食物,另一个有趣的俚语用法,“I’m fried” 形容人累瘫了,彷彿精力被榨干般疲乏。
- After running cross the finish line, Robert was totally fried with heart beating rapidly.
3. go/fall to pieces 情绪崩溃
通常 piece 作量词“块”、“片”或名词指“碎片”,惯用 a piece of 作为开头接不可属名词,但这里用来指心理状态,当你在压力过度、遭受重大挫折而信心受打击时,就可以用 “go to pieces” 形容“情绪失控、精神崩溃”。
- Because of her stage phobia, she went to pieces when she stood in front of the crowd.
4. be overwhelmed with 难以承受
overwhelm做动词是指“压倒、制伏”,当你受到巨大工作、学业压力时,那种被压得喘不过气的感觉就可以用be overwhelmed表达。
- Jeff found himself overwhelmed with the heavy workload.
5. have a lot on one’s plate 分身乏术
这个短语非常有画面感,想像一下你在吃到饱自助餐厅店夹了一大盘食物,自认为食量很大,却还超过自己负荷,是不是很具体把“have a lot on one’s plate”的想像表达出来呢?
- I wish I could go to your pajama party, but I have a lot on my plate on Saturday night.
6. have one’s hands full 忙不过来
当你手边有一堆待办事项未完成,而又必须在时间内完成工作进度时,”have your hands full”具体形容你“应接不暇”的窘境。
- - Could you cover for me this morning? I have my hands all full so I have no time going to see the dentist.
- 你可以帮我代今早的班吗?我的工作行程全满,所以没时间去看牙医。
- Sure, no problem.
- 好的,没问题。
7. be tied up 忙到难以抽身
tie作动词为“捆绑”的意思,“be tied up” 就是“被绑住、束缚”,也可以用“be occupied by something”表示时间被某件事物占满,没有任何空间。
- I would like to go to Maroon5’s concert with you, but I’m all tied up at the moment.
8. bite the dust 不支倒地
如果老板突然增加你的工作量,又要你如期完成,这时你只能加班熬夜赶工,就可以用“bite the dust”形容余力不足、超过负荷,或是公司面临经营困难,竞争力不足生意失败。
- The start-up company has bitten the dust because of its bankruptcy.
9. be confronted with the difficulty 面对困难
大敌当前或有难题挑战时,就可以用be confronted with指“面对、处理”,也可以说 “face up to the difficulty”。
- No matter how challenging the task is, you have to be confronted with the difficulty and get out of it.
10. be in deep trouble 深陷困境
这个短语很就跟字面上的意思一样,困境trouble也可以用difficulty替换,还有另一种说法 “get somebody/oneself into trouble”。
- If you don’t tell her the truth of breaking the neighbor’s window, you will be in deep trouble with Mother.