英语热词 | 北京拟出台胡同游标准 hutong tourism

Companies that conduct tours of Beijing's classic alleys, or hutong, should only be allowed to take groups to lanes that display traditional culture or contain historical sites, according to a draft guideline on hutong tourism from the city government.

北京市旅游委近日在其官网发布了"关于征求北京市地方标准《胡同游服务规范》意见的通知",并向社会开展为期一个月的意见征求(solicitation of opinions)。征求意见稿规范了"胡同游(hutong tourism)"的定义,即以北京城市特有的具有传统文化、风俗人情(folk customs)、历史风貌的胡同(一条或若干条胡同组成的街区)为载体,向游客提供吃、住、行、游、购、娱和文化展示(cultural display)服务的特色游览业态。

在设施方面,胡同游客接待量应与经营总体规模相匹配(hutong should not be able to accept more people than they can handle);夜间营业的胡同,公共场地应有充足的灯光照明和应急照明设施(hutong that are open during the night should be equipped with sufficient lights and emergency power supplies in public areas);胡同应有不少于2个主要出入口(each hutong should have at least two entry or exit points)。

在交通方面,胡同长度超过1000米的,宜提供环保型代步工具(eco-friendly transportation methods);应设置盲道、无障碍设施(barrier-free facilities);胡同主要出入口附近宜设置机动车和非机动车停车场地 (parking for cars and non-motor vehicles should be placed at main entrances)。

餐饮方面,要求胡同内的餐饮店应布局合理,就餐环境安静、整洁、无异味;各种饮食、菜品应明码标价(mark the price clearly);厨房食品加工、存放,冷热、生熟、荤素分开,无交叉污染(cross-contamination);胡同内应有北京特色、品牌、符合属地民族生活习惯的餐饮店。

意见稿还要求胡同内应设置公共卫生间(public toilet),宜配置洁手设备、洗手液和纸张用品,胡同商户卫生间应向游客免费开放使用(all the toilets in businesses along the hutong should be open to tourists for free);胡同游服务人员宜提供一种以上外语服务(provide services in more than one foreign language);此外,还要求胡同游的各类活动不应影响周边居民的正常生活(disturb daily life of residents living nearby)。

  • 胡同文化 hutong culture
  • 四合院 quadrangle, or Siheyuan
  • 旅游厕所革命 tourist toilet revolution
  • 旅游专列 tourist train
  • 可持续旅游 sustainable tourism
  • 红色旅游 red tourism