英语热词 | 提议引发热议的生育基金 childbirth fund

The proposal of setting up a childbirth fund to cover expenses of families having second child has drawn a wave of criticism.

江苏省委机关报《新华日报》14日发表的《提高生育率:新时代中国人口发展的新任务》一文引发热议。文章建议,40岁以下公民不论男女,每年必须以工资的一定比例缴纳生育基金(childbirth fund)。家庭在生育第二胎时,可申请取出生育基金,作为育儿贴补(families having a second baby are allowed to draw money from the fund as subsidy for their child rearing)。如公民未生育二孩,账户资金则待退休时再行取出(if a family does not have a second child, it can withdraw the money deposited in the fund upon retirement)。

此文在社交媒体上引发了网友和学者们的一致抨击(draw a wave of criticism from internet users and scholars)。独立人口学者(demographer)何亚福表示,国人已缴纳了较高的社保费(pay a relatively high level of social insurance premiums),约占总收入的39%,如果再加上一项生育基金支出,会令许多家庭负担更重。他表示,国家鼓励生育应在税收、教育、医疗等方面切实减轻多生孩子家庭的养育负担。

  • 房贷 housing mortgage
  • 车贷 car mortgage
  • 低生育率 low fertility rate
  • 育龄妇女 women of child-bearing age
  • 断崖式下跌 drop dramatically
  • 减轻家庭经济负担 ease financial burdens on families