英语口语 | 用down in the dumps表达“垂头丧气,神情沮丧”

本文和大家分享的口语表达是:down in the dumps。“down in the dumps”和“垃圾堆dump ”之间没有直接关系,而是用来形容一个人的心情低落,郁闷、不高兴,即“ 垂头丧气,神情沮丧 ”。

英语口语 | 用down in the dumps表达“垂头丧气,神情沮丧”

短语中的dump和意为“垃圾堆”的dump是同源迥异的同音同形异形词。它可能源自荷兰语dmnp(薄雾)或德语dumpf(阴暗的,沉闷的),在伊丽莎白时代(1558-1603)指“哀乐”或“悲歌”。在莎士比亚1593年所写的喜剧《驯悍记》(The Taming ofthe Shrew)第二幕第一场中悍妇Katherine和求婚绅士Pertrucuo舌战一场后,她父亲问她说:

Why, how now, daughter Katherine! In your dumps?

  • - I wonder why Rob is "down in the dumps" ?
    - 我想知道Bob为什么心情不好?
    - It could be because his football team lost… again.
    - 可能是因为他的足球队又输了一场球。
    - No, he’s used to that happening. It must be something more serious than that.
    - 不是的吧,他已经习惯了输球了。应该还有一些更严重的事情。
  • Don't be so down in the dumps, you're going on holiday tomorrow!
  • Oh it's Monday again, no wonder I feel so down in the dumps.
  • Reshma has been so down in the dumps since her boyfriend left her.