英语口语 | 用I can't help myself“情不自禁、不由自主、无法自拔”

本文和大家分享的口语表达是:I can't help myself。这个口语表达可不是“我帮不了我自己”的意思,这里其实运用了一个句型,就是 can't help oneself doing something,其意思是“情不自禁做某事”。所以 I can't help myself 的意思就是“情不自禁、不由自主、无法自拔”。

  • - Excuse me, do you mind stopping humming songs? I've had enough.
    - 不好意思,你可以停止哼歌了吗?我受够了。
    - I'm sorry, I can't help myself. You can never tell when I start again.
    - 对不起,我情不自禁。很难说我什么时候会再次开始哼歌。
  • - I couldn't help myself dancing when I heard hip hop music!
    - 听到嘻哈音乐,我就会情不自禁的跳起来。
    - I feel the same way.
    - 我也有同感。


  • Don't you think she is so hot? I can't help myself falling for her.
  • I can't help myself having compassion for the poor.
  • I can't help myself [from] loving you.