英语口语 | 用funny business表达“不道德的、非法的行为,不规矩的事,耍小把戏”

本文和大家分享的口语表达是:funny business。funny是“有趣的,滑稽的”,business是“事情,生意”。两个单词放一起funny business 难道是“有趣的事情”? 如果你这样想,那可就大错特错了!

英语口语 | 用funny business表达“不道德的、非法的行为,不规矩的事,耍小把戏”

这个口语表达的意思是:“不道德的、非法的行为,不规矩的事,耍小把戏”。It means something that is suspicious and probably illegal or dishonest.

  • His doing funny business made him lose face completely.
  • - Do you know he is in hot water?
    - 你知道他遇到麻烦了吗?
    - I have no idea. Tell me about it.
    - 我不知道呢,你和我说说。
    - It is said that he was doing some funny business with local gangsters. So the cops caught him.
    - 据说他当时正在和当地的一些小混混做非法的交易,所以警察就来把他抓走了。


  • The teacher won't stand for any funny business here.
  • Now, behave yourself! I don't want any of your funny business.
  • If there's any funny business whatsoever, I'm backing out of this deal.