英语口语 | 用cut it out表达“住手,停下,打住,别闹了”

本文和大家分享的口语表达是:cut it out。这个表达在口语中可不是“把它剪下”的意思,而是“住手,停下,打住,别闹了”等意思。相当于:Stop doing that! Stop saying that! 就是提醒别人在行为或语言上停止做某事。

英语口语 | 用cut it out表达“住手,停下,打住,别闹了”

  • - I'm sick of you two squabbling. Please just cut it out. I mean it.
    - 你们俩个吵来吵去真烦人,请停下吧,我是认真的。
    - It's none of your business.
    - 这不关你的事。
  • - See? I told you so. She's always nagging.
    - 现在你总算相信了吧,我早就和你说过她总是唠叨不停。
    - I really wish that she could cut it out.
    - 我真希望她可以停下来。


  • Come on! Cut it out. I've had enough.
  • - You look like a million dollars today.
    - 你今天真漂亮。
    - Come on, cut it out. Don't flatter me.
    - 算了吧,别夸我了。
  • Cut it out, stop teasing me.
  • Cut it out. You've done everything possible.