英语热词 | 2018年7月新闻热词汇总


金砖峰会 BRICS Summit

7月25日,国家主席习近平应邀出席在南非约翰内斯堡举行的金砖国家工商论坛,并发表题为《顺应时代潮流 实现共同发展(Keeping Abreast of the Trend of the Times to Achieve Common Development)》的重要讲话。


The BRICS mechanism owes its birth and growth to evolution of both the global economy and the international landscape. In its first decade, BRICS cooperation got off the ground and bore rich fruit. We five BRICS countries, guided by the BRICS spirit of openness, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation, have deepened our cooperation, enhanced our solidarity and mutual trust, improved the lives of our peoples, and made our bond of interests and friendship even closer. Indeed, our cooperation has contributed much to global economic recovery and growth.

The next decade will be a crucial one in which new global growth drivers will take the place of old ones, see faster changes in the international landscape and the international alignment of forces and a profound reshaping of the global governance system. We BRICS countries should keep abreast of the historical trend, seize development opportunities, jointly meet challenges, and play a constructive role in building a new type of international relations and a community with a shared future for mankind.

7月26日,金砖国家领导人第十次会晤在南非约翰内斯堡举行。南非总统拉马福萨主持。中国国家主席习近平、巴西总统特梅尔、俄罗斯总统普京、印度总理莫迪出席。五国领导人围绕“金砖国家在非洲:在第四次工业革命中共谋包容增长和共同繁荣(BRICS in Africa: Collaborating for Inclusive Growth and Shared Prosperity in the 4th Industrial Revolution)”主题,就金砖国家合作及共同关心的重大国际问题深入交换看法,达成广泛共识。

习近平发表了题为《让美好愿景变为现实(Turn Our Vision into a Reality)》的重要讲话,揭示新工业革命突出特点,就金砖合作未来发展提出倡议,强调金砖国家要携手努力,共同推动建设持久和平、普遍安全、共同繁荣、开放包容、清洁美丽的世界(an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security and common prosperity)。


We the BRICS countries must have a keen grasp of the trend of our times, deepen our strategic partnership, and consolidate our cooperation framework underpinned by economic, political and security cooperation and people-to-people exchanges. This way, we will be able to turn our vision of a second "Golden Decade" into a reality.

First, we must unlock the enormous potential of our economic cooperation. We need to step up trade, investment, economic, financial, and connectivity cooperation to make this pie still bigger. We must safeguard the rule-based multilateral trading regime, promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, and reject protectionism outright. It is important that we continue to pursue innovation-driven development and build a Partnership on New Industrial Revolution to strengthen coordination on macroeconomic policies and find more complementarities in our development strategies. By so doing, we hope to enhance the competitiveness of not only BRICS countries but also other emerging markets and developing countries.

Second, we must safeguard global peace and security. We should stay committed to multilateralism and to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. We should call on all parties to abide by international law and basic norms governing international relations and to settle disputes through dialogue and differences through consultation. We can jointly work for a new type of international relations featuring mutual respect, equality, justice and win-win cooperation.

Third, we must expand people-to-people exchanges. We should aim at greater people-to-people connectivity and more popular support for BRICS cooperation through extensive exchanges in cultural and other areas, and further enhance the mutual understanding and traditional friendship among our people.

Fourth, we must build a network of closer partnerships. We may explore "BRICS Plus" cooperation within the United Nations, the G20, and other frameworks to advance the common interests and boost the development space for emerging markets and developing countries, thus contributing more to world peace and development through broader partnerships.

殡葬领域突出问题 acute problems in the funeral-related sector

China will crack down on cemetery speculators and funeral-related fraud in a three-month campaign starting this month to address the most acute problems in the sector, the Ministry of Civil Affairs said.The crackdown will cover all funeral parlors, cemeteries, morgues, rural nonprofit burial sites and ash storage facilities affiliated with religious sites.


第一大类是公墓建设运营方面(the construction and operation of cemeteries),主要包括8种违法违规情形:

  • 未经批准擅自兴建公墓设施(unauthorized cemeteries);
  • 公墓未依法办理建设用地手续(cemeteries with incomplete legal documents);
  • 未经批准擅自修改公墓建设规划、扩大建设用地面积(cemetery managers who expand construction beyond what was approved);
  • 除依法向逝者健在配偶等特殊人群预售预租墓穴、骨灰存放格位并确保自用外,向未出具死亡证明、火化证明或迁葬证明的人出售出租墓穴、骨灰存放格位(people who sell graves without asking for proof of death, grave relocation);
  • 建造、出售(租)超规定面积墓穴(墓位)(the building of oversized graves);
  • 违反价格管理规定,对实行政府定价、指导价的墓穴(墓位)超标准收费(overcharging for graves),出售(租)墓穴(墓位)、骨灰存放格位实施价格欺诈、价格垄断等违法行为;
  • 农村公益性墓地违规出售出租墓穴,从事营利活动(profiting from rural nonprofit cemeteries);
  • 宗教活动场所与商业资本合作,擅自设立骨灰存放设施,违规从事营利活动(charging fees for keeping cremated remains at unauthorized religious sites)。

第二大类是殡葬服务、中介服务和丧葬用品销售方面(funeral services , funeral agent services and the sale of funeral items),主要包括2种违法违规情形:

  • 提供殡葬服务、中介服务,及销售丧葬用品不按规定明码标价(lack of transparency in price),强制服务收费(coercive sales)、只收费不服务行为;
  • 违规经营、欺行霸市行为(monopolies)。

城市公厕云平台 cloud platform of city toilets

A national cloud platform to help people locate toilets has served more than 100,000 users since Nov 19, the day it popped up online as part of China's so-called toilet revolution, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development said on Wednesday.

“城市公厕云平台(cloud platform of city toilets)”技术负责人介绍,通过公众号、小程序和APP,可以为广大民众提供公厕一键查询、导航服务(search and navigation)、入厕评论、问题反馈(comments and feedbacks)等服务,并可实现社会厕所资源的共享。

The database comprises 19,000 public restrooms in 216 cities across 19 provinces, the ministry said.

“厕所革命”(toilet revolution)是国家旅游局自2015年起在全国范围内开展的旅游厕所建设和管理行动,旨在用三年时间解决旅游厕所的数量过少(insufficient number of tourist restrooms)、卫生质量低劣(unhygienic conditions)、以及管理缺位(lack of management)问题。

无居民海岛 uninhabited islands

The regulation requires any entity or individual wanting to develop uninhabited islands to first submit an application, development plans and project appraisal reports to the ocean authorities for review and approval.

海南省要求,编制无居民海岛(uninhabited islands)开发利用具体方案应依据有关法律法规、规划、技术标准和规范(in line with requirements of the central and provincial governments to cultivate ocean ecology),合理确定用岛面积、用岛方式和布局、开发强度等,集约节约利用海岛资源;合理确定建筑物、设施的建设总量、高度以及与海岸线的距离(the heights of buildings and facilities, as well as their distance from the coastline should be reasonable),并实行海岛保护措施,建立海岛生态环境监测站(点)(monitoring stations),防止废水、废气、废渣、粉尘、放射性物质等对海岛及其周边海域生态系统造成破坏(wastewater, gas, residue, dust and radioactive substances must not damage the ecosystems of the islands and their surrounding waters)。


The regulation sets a limit of 15 years for aquaculture uses, 25 years for tourism and entertainment, 30 years for salt and mining industries, 40 years for public welfare purposes and 50 years for ports, shipyards and other construction projects.

办法称,无居民海岛开发利用期限届满,用岛单位或个人需要继续开发利用的,应当在期限届满两个月前向海南省人民政府申请续期(apply for renewal)。准予续期的,用岛单位或个人应当依法缴纳续期的无居民海岛使用金(pay the lease fee)。未申请续期或申请续期未获批准的,无居民海岛开发利用终止。

垃圾计量收费 garbage charged by weight

China mulls a new policy of charging for solid waste processing as a means of reducing the amount of waste generated. This is the first time the government has advanced a fee for garbage disposal based on weight.

2日,国家发改委发布《关于创新和完善促进绿色发展价格机制的意见》(guidelines on innovating and improving the price mechanism aimed at promoting green development),要求全面建立覆盖成本并合理盈利的固体废物处理收费机制(build a nationwide solid waste disposal charging mechanism that fully covers the cost and allows reasonable profit for waste processing companies),加快建立有利于促进垃圾分类(garbage classification)和减量化、无害化处理的激励约束机制。

具体措施包括:建立健全城镇生活垃圾处理(urban domestic garbage disposal)收费机制,完善城镇生活垃圾分类和减量化激励机制,探索建立农村垃圾处理收费制度,完善危险废物处置(hazardous waste disposal)收费机制等四个方面。

发改委称,2020年底前,全国城市及建制镇全面建立生活垃圾处理收费制度(a comprehensive charging system for collecting and processing household waste)。

自动驾驶巴士 self-driving bus

One of China's biggest technology companies has declared it has begun mass production of a self-driving bus. Baidu said the vehicles would initially be put to commercial use within Chinese cities but added it was also targeting foreign markets.

百度首席执行官李彦宏近日在北京举行的百度AI开发者大会(artificial intelligence developer conference)上宣布,百度和金龙客车合作的全球首款L4级自动驾驶巴士(level-4 self-driving bus)"阿波龙"(Apolong)正式量产下线。这款8座巴士的大小为普通巴士的1/3,没有驾驶位、方向盘、油门及刹车踏板(It has no driver's seat, steering wheel or pedals)。这款巴士由电力驱动(runs on electric power),充电2小时后最多能行驶100公里(can travel up to 100 km after a two-hour charge)。

根据国际自动机工程师学会(SAE)的自动驾驶分级标准,L4级别为超高度自动驾驶(highly automated driving)级别,在大多数环境下由系统独自完成所有的驾驶操作(systems can cope with most driving conditions)。它比最高等级5级低一级,L5级别则可扩展到所有驾驶场景(extends to all driving scenarios),包括泥路(dirt roads)和异常天气条件(unusual weather conditions)等。

李彦宏表示,2018年将是自动驾驶产品化元年(2018 marks the first year of commercialization for autonomous driving),过去中国向世界出口廉价商品(cheap commodities),未来中国将向世界出口人工智能技术(AI technology)。有国外专家认为,从短期看,此类交通工具比自动驾驶小轿车更有可能被公众接受(such vehicles have a greater chance of public acceptance than self-driving cars)。

C罗转会尤文图斯 Cristiano Ronaldo joining Juventus

Cristiano Ronaldo is joining Juventus after the Italian club agreed a €100m fee for the Portugal forward with Real Madrid.

Ronaldo is signing a four-year contract with an annual salary of around €30m. In Italy clubs have to pay the same amount in tax, which takes the total cost of the transfer to €340m (€100m transfer fee plus €240m in salary and taxes).

“转会”可用“transfer”来表达。“转会”即“职业足球运动员转至另一足球俱乐部”。有时,依据上下文具体语境,“join”或者“sign (a contract)”也可表达“转会”之意,比如上面的两个例句就用了Cristiano Ronaldo is joining Juventus这个表达。

此外,日常生活中,“转学”也可用“transfer”来表达,如:Some of these students have transferred elsewhere.(已有一些学生转学到别处了。)

顺便提一下,在阅读有关“transfer”(转会)的文章时,我们还可经常看到词组“transfer window”,指国际足联所允许的"球员转会期"。国际足联夏季转会为期两个月,于欧洲当地时间7月1日正式启动,到8月31日午夜12点结束;冬季转会期为期一个月,于欧洲当地时间1月1日正式启动,到1月31日午夜12点结束。

骚扰电话 nuisance calls

China will take strong measures to curb spam and nuisance phone calls, and strengthen the management of customers' telecommunication charges, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said on Wednesday.

Spam 就是“垃圾短信”,spam 这个词在互联网中很常见,就是unwanted e-mail (usually of a commercial nature sent out in bulk) ,即(出于商业目的批量发送的)收件人并不需要的邮件,即“垃圾邮件”。另外,“发送垃圾邮件”这个动作也可以直接用spam来表示,比如:This program lets you spam the newspapers.(这个程序能让你向各家报纸发送垃圾邮件。)

Nuisance phone calls就是“骚扰电话”,也可以简写成nuisance calls,或者用unwanted calls表达。其实,上面的垃圾短信也可以用nuisance texts表示。


一是督促电信企业立即纠正错收费行为(immediately correct mistaken charges),并要求基础电信企业从下月起以短信方式按月向用户主动推送通信账单信息(send detailed billing information to users through SMS beginning next month),让用户明明白白消费。

二是立即核实报道所涉具体问题和典型案例,已关停发送垃圾短信的短信端口31个(31 SMS portals have been closed),处置涉嫌营销扰民的电话号码及关联号码82个(82 telephone numbers linked to harassing calls have been shut down),约谈涉事企业,责令其全面自查整改。情况查明后,将依法处理违规企业,问责涉事人员。

三是举一反三,深入剖析问题根源,堵塞管理漏洞(plug up loopholes in management rules),全面提升运营服务水平(strengthen telecom services and management),努力为广大人民群众营造良好的信息通信环境。

贸易霸凌主义 trade hegemony and bullying

China denounced the US' latest threat to impose tariffs on an extra $200 billion worth of Chinese imports as "totally unacceptable" trade hegemony and bullying.

美国贸易代表办公室(Office of the US Trade Representative)当地时间10日发表声明,称美方将对2000亿美元从中国进口的商品加徵10%的关税,清单涉及6031项产品,包括数百种食品以及香烟、煤炭、化学制品、轮胎、猫狗粮(cat and dog food)和电子元件(electronic components)等消费电子产品(consumer electronics)。

商务部对此发表声明称,美方以加速升级的方式公布征税清单(publish a tariff list in a way that escalates tensions),是完全不可接受的。为了维护国家核心利益和人民根本利益(to defend the core interests of the nation and its people),中国政府将一如既往(as always),不得不作出必要反制(be forced to impose necessary countermeasures)。

商务部称,中方还将呼吁国际社会共同努力(call on mutual efforts from the international community),共同维护自由贸易规则和多边贸易体制(maintain the practice of free trade and the multilateral trading system),共同反对贸易霸凌主义(trade hegemony and bullying)。与此同时,中方将立即就美方的行为向世界贸易组织追加起诉(tack on the case to its suit against the US at the World Trade Organization)。

自助游产品 self-guided tour products

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China required online travel agencies and platforms to examine self-guided tour products on sale and remove those with unacceptable risks.

根据旅游文化部网站7日信息,针对本月5日泰国普吉岛发生的翻船事件,旅游文化部已印发了关于做好暑期旅游安全工作(ensure summer travel safety)的通知和关于进一步加强出境自助游相关工作的紧急通知(urgent circular)。

5日下午,载有127名中国游客的两艘游船在泰国普吉岛附近海域遭遇暴风雨,发生倾覆(capsize in a storm off the coast of Phuket Island in Thailand),造成47人死亡。事故发生后,文化和旅游部开展暑期旅游市场紧急排查工作,要求各地各景区深入开展安全隐患排查治理(carry out security checks against hidden risks),坚决防范各类涉旅突发事件的发生。文化和旅游部要求,全国各地旅游部门应加强与气象、海洋、国土资源等部门的联系(strengthen connections with meteorological, ocean, land and resources and other departments),从而及时、准确地预测预报严重水情及恶劣天气(deliver accurate forecasts and timely alerts for severe water and weather conditions)。

文化和旅游部同时要求在线旅游企业和平台(online travel agencies and platforms)、旅行社开展紧急排查,下架不合格的自助游产品(suspend unqualified self-guided tour products),要求在线旅游企业和平台、产品供应商(online travel companies, platforms and product suppliers)在宣传销售高风险的出境自助游项目时加强风险提示(better inform travelers of risks),完善出境自助游应急机制(improve their emergency response mechanisms)并明确相关责任(clarify responsibilities)。

暴雨 downpour

Average precipitation in the capital from 8 pm on Sunday to 10 am Monday reached 36.6 millimeters, according to Beijing Meteorological Service.

Some bridge underpasses were flooded, and some areas near the Xi'erqi subway station were inundated. Some cars broke down in the water.

受降雨影响,北京密云白河张家坟水文站流量1300立方米每秒,是1998年以来最大洪水(the biggest flood of the past two decades)。

From Monday afternoon to Wednesday, Beijing will see more rain. On Tuesday, most areas in the capital are expected to receive rainfall of 30 to 40 millimeters. Hourly precipitation may be as high as 50 millimeters.

在英文报道中,讲到“降雨”时通常会出现rain、drizzle、downpour、shower等词汇。其中,rain是“雨”的总称,我们通过在这个词的前面添加不同的形容词来表示不同程度的降雨。比如:heavy rain(大雨)、light rain(小雨)等。


  • 小雨(light rain):1d(或24h)降雨量小于10mm者。
  • 中雨(moderate rain):1d(或24h)降雨量10~25mm者。
  • 大雨(heavy rain):1d(或24h)降雨量25~50mm者。
  • 暴雨(torrential rain):1d(或24h)降雨量50~100mm者。
  • 大暴雨(downpour):1d(或24h)降雨量100~200mm者。
  • 特大暴雨(heavy downpour):1d(或24h)降雨量在200mm以上者。

drizzle和rain的区别主要看雨滴(water droplet)大小,雨滴直径在0.2到0.5毫米之间的叫drizzle(细雨,毛毛雨),雨滴直径在0.5毫米以上的就都是rain了。

Shower则是个另类,指的是在不同时间段、在不同地区出现的间歇性的“阵雨”,从这个“阵”字我们可以看出,这个shower可能短时间在某地降雨强度很大,但是持续时间一般不会太长。如果说部分地区有“零星阵雨”,我们就可以用scattered shower来表示。

人力资源市场 human resources market

China's cabinet has released a provisional regulation on the human resources market to better support employment and entrepreneurship. It is the country's first administrative regulation on job hunting, hiring, and associated services in the human resources market.

这里的暂行条例(provisional regulation)是指专属全国人民代表大会及其常务委员会立法权的事项,在未制定法律前授权国务院制定的行政法规(administrative regulation)。


  • “条例(regulations)”指对国家或某一地区政治、经济、科技等领域的某些重大事项的管理和处置作出比较全面、系统的规定;是对某机关、组织的机构设置、组织办法、人员配备、任务职权、工作原则、工作秩序和法律责任作出规定或对某类专门人员的任务、职责、义务权利、奖惩作出系统的规定,比如:《计算机软件保护条例(Regulations for the Protection of Computer Software)》;
  • “规定(rules/regulations)”指对某一方面的行政工作作部分的规定,主要用于明确提出对国家或某一地区的政治经济和社会发展的某一方面或某些重大事故的管理或限制,重在强制约束性,比如,《外商投资建筑业企业管理规定(Regulations on Administration of Foreign–Invested Construction Enterprises)》;
  • “办法(measures)”指对某一项行政工作作比较具体的规定,是对国家或某一地区政治、经济和社会发展的有关工作、有关事项的具体办理、实施提出切实可行的措施,重在可操作性,比如:《纺织品出口自动许可暂行办法(Interim Measures for Automatic Export Licensing for Textile Products)》。

《人力资源市场暂行条例》规定,用人单位发布或者向人力资源服务机构提供的单位基本情况、招聘人数、招聘条件、工作内容、工作地点、基本劳动报酬等招聘信息,应当真实、合法,不得含有民族、种族、性别、宗教信仰等方面的歧视性内容(discrimination based on ethnicity, race, gender and religion is not allowed in hiring)。


  • 人力资源服务机构接受用人单位委托招聘人员或者开展其他人力资源服务,不得采取欺诈、暴力、胁迫或者其他不正当手段(fraud, violence, threat or other improper behaviors are not allowed),不得以招聘为名牟取不正当利益,不得介绍单位或者个人从事违法活动。
  • 经营性人力资源服务机构接受用人单位委托提供人力资源服务外包的,不得改变用人单位与个人的劳动关系,不得与用人单位串通侵害个人的合法权益(violating legitimate rights of individuals in collusion with employers is not allowed)。
  • 人力资源服务机构在业务活动中收集用人单位和个人信息的,不得泄露或者违法使用所知悉的商业秘密和个人信息(no business secret and personal information should be leaked or used in an unlawful way)。

暂行条例指出,发布的招聘信息不真实、不合法,未依法开展人力资源服务业务的,由人力资源社会保障行政部门责令改正;有违法所得的,没收违法所得(illegal gains confiscated);拒不改正的,处1万元以上5万元以下的罚款;情节严重的,吊销人力资源服务许可证(human resources service permit revoked);给个人造成损害的,依法承担民事责任(civil liability)。违反其他法律、行政法规的,由有关主管部门依法给予处罚。

新增项目 addition of new events

当日在瑞士洛桑举行的国际奥委会执委会会议通过了有关北京冬奥会项目设置的方案。新增的7个小项为女子单人雪车(women’s mono-bobsleigh)、短道速滑混合团体接力(short track mixed relay)、跳台滑雪混合团体(ski jumping mixed team event)、自由式滑雪大跳台(男子、女子)(freestyle skiing big air for men and women)、自由式滑雪空中技巧混合团体(aerials mixed team event)和单板滑雪障碍追逐混合团体(snowboard cross mixed team event)。

"The addition of these new events for Beijing 2022 reflects our continued commitment to make the Olympic Games programs more youthful and gender balanced," said IOC Sports Director Kit McConnell.

With no new venues or fields of play needed for the new events, the program is in line with recommendations set out in Olympic Agenda 2020 and is another step to reducing the overall size of the Games.


Beijing 2022 will see more female athletes and women's events than any other Winter Olympics, with female quota positions increasing from 41 percent to 45.44 percent.

小学课程 primary-school-level lessons

Kindergartens will no longer be allowed to teach young children primary-school-level lessons, the Ministry of Education announced. Banned subjects include primary-school-level Chinese language, mathematics and English coursework.

教育部近日发文,严禁幼儿园教授小学课程内容(teach lessons intended for primary school students)。对于提前教授汉语拼音、识字、计算、英语等小学课程内容的,要坚决予以禁止。对于幼儿园布置幼儿完成小学内容家庭作业、组织小学内容有关考试测验的,要坚决予以纠正。社会培训机构(private training institutions)也不得以学前班、幼小衔接等名义提前教授小学内容。

教育部还提出要纠正"小学化"教育方式,幼儿园将以游戏为基本活动(playing games will be the basic activity in kindergartens);整治"小学化"教育环境,创设开放的、多样的区域活动空间(open and multi-purpose areas for different activities),并配备必要的符合幼儿年龄特点的玩教具、游戏材料、图画书;对于不具备幼儿园教师资格的,要督促其参加专业技能补偿培训并通过考试取得幼儿园教师资格证(teaching certificate),仍不能取得教师资格的,要限期予以调整;小学坚持零起点教学,坚决纠正在招生中面向幼儿组织小学内容的知识能力测试,或以幼儿参加有关竞赛成绩及证书作为招生依据(admission to primary school should not refer to any test or contest result)。

猜画小歌 Guess the Sketch

Google has released its first mini program for WeChat in China. It is a drawing game based on Google's AI image recognition technology

小程序(mini programs, applet)即在主程序内运行的应用程序(apps that only work within a master app),省去了用户安装、退出或进入不同应用程序的麻烦(save users the hassle of installing, and exiting and entering different apps)。谷歌此次推出微信小程序是继上月向电商公司京东投资5.5亿美元后,重返中国消费市场的最新尝试(the latest step in Google's tiptoe back into China's consumer market)。

这款只能在微信内运行的游戏小程序名为"猜画小歌(Guess the Sketch)"。在游戏中,玩家要在20秒内按照要求画出一些日常用品(doodle an assigned everyday item),比如,狗、鞋子或手表。绘画过程中,人工智能会对画作的内容进行猜测(throw out its best guesses of the subject),如果AI猜对,玩家得分,进入下一轮(advance the next round)。如果AI猜不出,它会用销魂的经典谷歌女声语音说:"我没看懂你在画什么?",偶尔还会爆出一句东北话"你画的啥玩意?"一时间,整个朋友圈都充斥着一股幼儿园美术班的气息,到处都是玩得不亦乐乎的灵魂画手。

谷歌官方表示,这款游戏背后的神经网络技术有超过5000万个手绘素描的数据群支持(the neural networking behind this game is powered by a dataset of 50 million hand-drawn sketches),展现了谷歌人工智能在计算机视觉方面的发展(showcase Google AI's advances in computer vision)。

最烧钱影片 most expensive movie ever made

China's "most expensive movie ever made" is one of the biggest flops the world has ever seen. "Asura", an epic fantasy film with a $113 million budget from financiers including Alibaba Pictures, was pulled from Chinese cinemas after its opening weekend, when it made just over $7 million.

有媒体称,《阿修罗(Asura)》制作方曾希望将此片打造成类似于《指环王(The Lord of the Rings)》的奇幻系列电影(fantasy franchise)。制作方在微博发文称糟糕的票房是蓄意破坏的结果(blame the abysmal box office showing on sabotage),指控有人涌入移动售票平台猫眼电影发表负面评论(trolls had flooded the mobile-ticketing platform Maoyan with negative reviews),导致了该片票房的惨败。

虽然观众评分(audience scores)可能对影片票房有一定影响,但影片失败的原因很可能还包括拙劣的营销(poor marketing)、对粉丝口味把握不到位等。此外,《阿修罗》上映时遭遇了喜剧电影(comedy-drama)《我不是药神(Dying to Survive)》等片的强有力竞争,该片上周末票房收入6900万美元,总票房已超过3.5亿美元。

令人震惊的1.06亿美元的亏损(a staggering $106 million loss)让《阿修罗》成为世界范围内最失败的影片之一。《辛巴达七海传奇(Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas)》亏损了1.25亿美元,是史上最失败的影片(the biggest flop ever)。与《阿修罗》有一拼的美国影片(a close analog to Asura in the US)是埃迪·墨菲主演的科幻喜剧(sci-fi comedy)《星际冒险王(The Adventures of Pluto Nash)》。据报道,该片耗资1亿美元拍摄,票房收入仅为700万美元。

疫苗事件 vaccine case


在国外访问的中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平对吉林长春长生生物疫苗案件作出重要指示指出,长春长生生物科技有限责任公司违法违规生产疫苗行为,性质恶劣,令人触目惊心(hideous and appalling)。

Relevant departments and local authorities should pay close attention and immediately probe the case to find the truth, Xi said, adding that the investigation should be thorough, the punishment severe, the accountability held seriously, and the case's progress should be publicized on time to address public concern.


It is a bounden responsibility for Party committees and governments at all levels to ensure drug safety and the people's health should always be a top priority. A firm determination should be mustered to improve the country's vaccine management system, resolutely guard the bottom line of safety, and utmost efforts should be made to protect the people's interests and social security and stability.


The vaccine case has crossed a moral line, and the nation deserves a clear explanation.


The State Council should immediately send a group to thoroughly investigate the production and selling chain of vaccine, to uncover the truth as soon as possible, and any wrongdoing will be severely punished regardless of who is involved.

Any illegal acts that could harm the people's lives should be severely cracked down and people behind it punished in accordance with law. Any dereliction of duty in the supervision authority should be held accountable, and we should give the people a living environment that is safe, trustworthy and credible.


According to the investigation, the company counterfeited the vaccine’s production and inspection data, and changed the parameters for equipment and processing the vaccine.

目前,已责令企业停止生产(terminate the production),收回药品生产质量管理规范(Good Manufacturing Practices,GMP)证书,同时会同吉林省局已对企业立案调查,涉嫌犯罪的移送公安机关追究刑事责任(the cases of those suspected of violating laws will be transferred to public security departments)。

GMP(Good Manufacturing Practices),中文含义是“生产质量管理规范”或“良好作业规范”、“优良制造标准”。

Good manufacturing practices (GMP) are the practices required in order to conform to the guidelines recommended by agencies that control the authorization and licensing of the manufacture and sale of food and beverages, cosmetics, pharmaceutical products, dietary supplements, and medical devices.

These guidelines provide minimum requirements that a manufacturer must meet to assure that their products are consistently high in quality, from batch to batch, for their intended use. The rules that govern each industry may differ significantly; however, the main purpose of GMP is always to prevent harm from occurring to the end user.


国家药监局将组织对所有疫苗生产企业进行飞行检查(unannounced inspections),对违反法律法规规定的行为要严肃查处。

根据习近平指示和李克强要求,国务院已建立专门工作机制(establish a task-force),并派出调查组进驻长春长生生物科技有限责任公司进行立案调查。吉林省成立省市两级案件查处领导小组,配合国务院调查组做好相关工作,并结合此案件全面排查高风险药品企业(look into all other high-risk pharmaceutical companies)。

目前,长春长生董事长高某芳等15名涉案人员已被长春新区公安分局依法刑事拘留(criminal detention);吉林、山东两省纪委监委启动对长春长生疫苗案可能存在的腐败问题展开调查(conduct inspections regarding any possible corruption problems)。

移动通信转售业务 mobile communication resale business

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, China's top industry regulator, granted licenses to 15 companies on Monday to run virtual telecom network services.

移动通信转售业务(mobile communication resale business)就是俗称的虚拟运营商(virtual network operator),是指从拥有移动通信网络(mobile communication network)的基础电信运营商那里购买通信服务,重新包装成自有品牌并销售给用户的电信服务(rebrand and sell telecom services)。目前市场上以170,171开头的手机号就是虚拟运营商号码。

2013年5月,工信部为鼓励引导民间资本(private capital)进入电信领域,发布移动通信业务转售方案。从2013年底首批牌照发放以来,共有42家企业分5批获得虚拟运营商试点牌照(pilot operation licenses)。

As of December 2017, China boasts more than 60 million virtual network service subscribers, accounting for 4.1 percent of the country's total mobile users, data from the ministry showed. The industry has already attracted direct private investment worth 3.2 billion yuan ($500 million), and has helped to create nearly 60,000 jobs.

According to the official website of the ministry, Alibaba Group Holding Ltd, Xiaomi Corp and JD are among the 15 companies that have got the licenses from the government.They are the first batch of players that have inked cooperation agreements with China Unicom.

文创产品 cultural and creative product


The store sells tapes, handbags, mobile phone shells and other items with various themes such as the Rosetta stone, Egyptian mummy, Japanese art The Great Wave off Kanagawa and the Isle of Lewis chess pieces.


The store first launched 20 items, 15 of which have been temporarily sold out. The store attracted over 30,000 followers on the first day, according to 36Kr, a Chinese technology news provider, with the number having grown sharply to 131,000 as of July 23.


The Palace Museum, known as the largest museum in China, now has one Taobao store and one Tmall store with a total of around 3.66 million followers. The two stores have over 500 products for sale, several of which registered monthly sales volume of more than 10,000.

By the end of 2016, the Palace Museum has created 9170 cultural products and the revenue coming from sales of such products in 2016 surpassed 1 billion yuan (147.3 million US dollars).


全国统一医保 a unified national medical insurance service

A unified national medical insurance service, from which both urban and rural residents enjoy equal benefits, will be in place by 2019, said the state medical insurance administration.


Each citizen receives the minimum 490 yuan from the government in his or her medical insurance account a year on average and is required to deposit 220 yuan from his or her pocket. Both figures are 40 yuan higher than 2017.

通知明确,巩固完善异地就医住院费用直接结算工作(direct settlement of hospitalized expense in places away from one's hometown),妥善解决农民工(migrant workers)和“双创”人员异地就医问题,为城乡居民规范转外就医提供方便快捷服务,减少跑腿垫资。
