英语口语 | 用I got it表达“好的,我明白了”

本文和大家分享的英语口语表达是:I got it。这个口语表达是:“好的,我明白了”。 它其实是 “I have got it.” 的缩略形式。因为是在口语中,所以经常说成:I got it. 它还可以简化成:Got it。

  • - Time is limited. You have to finish the work by the end of this week.
    - 时间有限,你必须在本周末之前完成这项工作。
    - Okay, I got it.
    - 好的,我明白了。
  • - Don't be late again this time.
    - 这次可别再迟到啦。
    - I got it.
    - 我知道啦。


  • - Don't waste your time on computer games.
    - 别浪费你的时间在游戏上。
    - Fine, I got it.
    - 好,我知道了。
  • - The bank is at corner of the street.
    - 银行就在街道的拐弯处。
    - Oh, I got it. Thank you.
    - 好的,谢谢你。