

1、新时代中国特色社会主义 socialism with Chinese characteristics for new era
2、人力资源部和社会保障部 Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security
3、中国科学院 Chinese Academy of Sciences
4、十九大 The 19th session of national congress of the communist party of China
5、国家旅游局 CNTA= China National Tourism Administration
6、贸易自由化 liberalization of trade;
7、非政府组织 non-governmental organization
8、全面战略伙伴关系 the comprehensive strategic partnership
9、和平共处 peaceful coexistence
10、全球治理 Global governance
11、中国(上海)自由贸易区 China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone
12、零和游戏 a zero-sum game
13、外商直接投资 FDI=Foreign Direct Investment
14、香港特别行政区 Hong Kong Special Administrative Region(HKSAR)
15、千年发展目标 Millennium Development Goals

1、Greater Mekong Sub-region 大湄公河次区域
2、digital divide 数字鸿沟
3、demographic dividend 人口红利
4、World Economic Forum 世界经济论坛
5、stem cell research 干细胞研究
6、natural reserve 自然保护区
7、the Latin America and the Caribe 拉丁美洲和加勒比
8、Gulf Cooperation Council 海湾合作委员会
9、economic deleveraging 经济去杠杆化
10、nuclear non-proliferation 不扩散核武器条约
11、Food and Agriculture Organization 联合国粮食农业组织
12、special drawing rights(国际货币基金组织的)特别提款权
13、Internet of Things 物联网
14、quantitive easing 量化宽松
15、ecological footprint 生态足迹


1.非政府组织 non-government organization
the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress
3.一致通过 unanimous approval
4.个人所得税 individual income tax
5.航空母舰 aircraft carrier
6.海洋权益 Marine Rights
7.全国污染源普查 national survey of pollution sources
8.预期寿命 life expectancy
9.南海仲裁案 South China Sea arbitration case
10.流动人口 floating population
11.产品召回 product recall
12.注册资本 registered capital
13.熔断机制 circuit-breaker mechanism
points system for household registration
15.登月舱 lunar module

1.president of the European Parliament
2.Brexit vote 脱欧公投
3.Initial public offering 首次公开募股
4.automatic docking 自动对接
5.quantum satellite 量子卫星
6.Military coup 军事政变
7.UN secretariat 联合国秘书处
8.Constitutional monarchy 君主立宪制
9.Doping scandal 兴奋剂丑闻
10.demographic dividend 人口红利
11.Poverty threshold 贫困线
12.demand deposit 活期存款
13.virtual reality 虚拟现实
14.telecom fraud 电信课堂
15.Antibiotic resistance 抗生素抗性


1.大众创业 mass entrepreneurship
2.中澳自贸协定 China-Australia Free Trade Agreement
3.一带一路 Belt and Road Initiative
4.城镇化 urbanization
5.世界反法西斯战争 World Anti-Fascist War
6.新常态 New Normal
7.命运共同体 Community of Common Destiny
8.经济发展快车道 fast track of economic development
9.产能过剩 excess capacity
10.多边贸易体系 multilateral trading system
11.千年发展目标 millennium development goals
12.生态足迹 ecological footprint
13.董事总经理 Managing Director
14.商务部部长助理 China's assistant minister of commerce
15.区域经济一体化 Regional Economic Integration

1.United Nations Economic and Social Council 联合国经济及社会理事会 vice chancellor (英国高校)副校长
3.the ASEAN community 东盟共同体 but distinctive responsibility 共同但是有区别的责任
5.corrupt fugitive repatriation 腐败赃款追回
6.crowd funding platform 众筹平台 governance 全球治理
8.shale gas 页岩气
9.Post doctoral fellow 博士后研究员 inclusiveness 社会包容性
11.multi model transportation 多式联运 crunch 信贷紧缩
13.White House Chief of Staff 白宫办公厅主任
14.The Noble Prize in Physiology or Medicine 诺贝尔生理学或医学奖
15.Commonwealth Nations 英联邦


1.民族凝聚力 national cohesion
2.十八届四中全会 the Fourth Plenary Session of the Communist Party of China's 18th Central Committee
3.综合国力 comprehensive national power
4.一站式服务 one-stop service
5.零和博奔 zero-sum game
6.费改税 tax-for-fee
7.廉租房 low-rent housing
8.暂住证 Temporary Residential Permit
9.货物吞吐量 cargo throughput
10.剩余劳动力 surplus labor
11.洲际轨道导弹 Inter Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM )
12.农田水利化 bring most farmland under irragation
13.博士后研究员 post -doctoral researcher
14.申请注册域名 domain name application and registration
15.镇馆之宝 treasure of the museum

1.royalty rate 版税率
2.income tax return 所得税申报表
3.export tax refund 出口退税
4.collegiate tribunal 合议审判庭
5.consumer credit 消费者信用度
6.inflation-proof bank savings 保值储蓄
7.mission statement 宗旨,使命陈述
8.light literature 通俗文学
9.consulate-general 总领事馆
10.civic responsibility 公民责任
11.deluxe suite 豪华套房
12.relief supply 救灾物资
13.Financial Times 金融时报
14.public service interpreting 公共服务口译
15.merger and acquisition 并购


1.十八届三中全会 the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee
2.国家民族事务委员会 State Ethnic Affairs Committee
3.中国地震局 China Seismological Bureau
4.主管部门 competent department
5.玩忽职守 neglect of duty
6.徇私舞弊 play favouritism and commit irregularities
7.以...为把手 take... as the key
8.国际会议口译员协会 Intemational Association of Conference Interpreters
9.绿化覆盖面积 green coverage
10.行政问责制 administrative accountability system
11.暂行规定 temporary provisions
12.一站式服务 one-stop service
13.国际惯例 international conventions
14.得寸进尺 reach out for a yard after taking an inch
15.《西厢记》Romance of the Western Chamber

1.National Council for US-China Trade 美中贸易全国理事会
2.The Balimore Sun《巴尔的摩太阳报》
3.court of first instance 一审法院
4.underwriting contract 证券包销合约
5.licensee of a patent 专利持有人
6.China-EU maritime transport agreement 中国-欧盟海洋运输协议
7.venture capital 风险投资
8.The Great Depression 经济大萧条
9.strategic agility 战略灵活性
10.occupatonal health and safety 职业健康与安全
11.low-end processing 低端加工
12.information asymmety 信息不对称 cut diamands 棋逢对手
14.The Catcher in the Rye 《麦田里的守望者》


1.The first-mover advantage 先发优势
2.Healthcare interpreting 医疗口译
3.The Sound and the Fury《喧嚣与骚动》

1.民政部 Ministry of Civil Affairs
2.水利部 Mnistry of Water Resources
3.对外贸易仲裁委员会 Foreign Trade Arbitration Committee
3.国务院办公厅 General Office Of the State Council
4.中华全国工商联 All China Federation of Industry and Commerce
5.广外高翻学院 School of interpreting and Translation Studies,GDUFs Guangdong Unversity of Foreign Studies
6.开场白 opening remarks
7.并购 merger and acquisition
8.农民工 rural migrant workers in cities
9.产学合作 industry-academy cooperation
10.居安思危 be prepared for danger in times of safety
11.生产销售假冒伪劣产品罪 Production and sale of counterfeit and shoddy products


1.UNESCO 联合国教科文组织
2.Subprime mortgage crisis 次贷危机
3.Christian Science Monitor 基督教科学箴言报
4.SWOT analysis 强弱利弊分析
5.appeal court 上诉法院
6.The Tale of Two Cities《双城记》
7.the Sino-U.S. Business Council 中美贸易全国委员会 interpretation 联络翻译
9.World Heritage Organization 世界遗产组织
10.Closed-circuit News Network 闭路电视新闻网络
11.Kyodo News Service 日本共同通讯社
12.Savings portfolio 储蓄投资组合
13.Summer Davos World Ecomomic Forum 夏季达沃斯论坛
14.cost-consciousness 成本意识
15.strategic alignment 战略策应

15.广交会 the Guangzhou Export Commodities Fair
16.上海合作组织 Shanghai Cooperation Organization
17.司法部 Mnistry of Justice
18.国家发改委 National Development and Reform Commission
19.中国译协 Translators Association of China (TAC)
20.中国银监 China Banking Regualory Commission
21.亚运会 the Asian Games
22.创业板 Growth Enterprises Market
23.通胀压力 inflation pressures
24.市场定位 Marketing Postioning
25.三农问题 issues relating to agriculture,rural people,and rural areas
26.零关税待遇 zero-tariff treatment
27.民事诉讼 civil procedure
28.《孙子兵法》 the Art of War


1.UN Securiy Council 联合国安理会
2.OPEC 石油输出国阻织
3.CPI 消费者价格指数
4.International Herald Tribune 国际先驱论坛报
5.CFO 首席财务官
6.Associate Press 联合通讯社
7.Common Law System 英美法系
8.FBA 国际篮球联合会
9.Appeal court 上诉法院
10.Laision interpretation 联络口译
11.For Whom the Bell Tolls 《丧钟为谁而鸣》 venture 风险投资

General Administration of Customs
14.司法部 Ministry of Justice
15.中国红十字会 Red Cross Society of China
16.中国译协 TAC
17.大运会 Universiade
18.海峡交流基金会 Straits Exchange Fundation
19.经济适用房 affordable house
20.国际惯例 international practice
21.民事诉讼 civil action
22.《易经》the Book of Changes
23.《儒林外史》the scholars
24.《中美联合公报》Sino-USA Joint Communique


1.CPPCC 中国人民政治协商会议
2.UNESCO 联合国教科文组织
3.ASEM 亚欧会议
4.China-ASEAN Expo 中国-东盟博览会
5.SWOT analysis 强弱利弊分析
6.Global Sourcing 全球采购
7.Information Asymmetry 信息不对称
8.Shanghai Wonld Expo 上海世界博览会
9.innocent Presumption 无罪推定
10.The Civil Law System 大陆法
11.The Book of Rites 礼记
12.Mencius 孟子
13.Consecutive interpreting 交替传译
14.The House of Commons 英国下议院
15.A Farewell To Arms 《永别了,武器》

16.全国人民代表大会 NPC Nationai Peoples Congress
17.外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs
18.会展经济 exhibition economy
19.注册会计师 CPA
20.次贷危机 subprime mortgage crisis
21.董事会 board of director
22.中国证监会 CSRS
23.廉政公署 ICAC
24.暂行规定 provisional regulation
25.有罪推定 presumption of guilt
26.佛经翻译 translation of Buddhist Scripture
27.百年老店 century-old shop
28.论语 The Analects of Confucius
29.三国演义 The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
30.南方都市报 Sourthern Metropolis Daily