翻译研究 | “奋斗”用英语怎么说?

近日看到某电视台将“奋斗的青春”与“struggle youth”写在单位墙上,鼓励年轻员工。“struggle youth”这个完全不合语法的表达暴露出了另一个可能并不太明显的问题。在“百度”和“必应”搜索“奋斗 英文”,得到的翻译结果都是将其首选译为struggle。

翻译研究 | “奋斗”用英语怎么说?


  1. to make strenuous or violent efforts in the face of difficulties or opposition.
  2. to proceed with difficulty or with great effort.


  • He has been struggling with the problem of how to keep good workers from leaving.
  • They struggled for the right to vote.
  • She struggled up the hill through the snow.
  • She struggled to lift the package by herself, but it was too heavy.
  • He struggled to get free of the wreckage.
  • He's been struggling in math class for most of the year.
  • The team has continued to struggle in recent weeks.
  • He was living as a struggling artist in the city.

可见,struggle包含“努力”的意思,但这种努力多暗示逆境与压力,意思上更接近“奋争”、“抗争”或“斗争”。反观“奋斗”则不一定是对困境做出的抗争,顺境之下也可以“奋斗”。比如例句He was living as a struggling artist in the city,这个艺术家虽然在为自己的梦想努力,但“struggling”还有身处困境之意(in the face of difficulties or opposition),这是“奋斗”所没有的。“奋斗”的意思只是为达到一定目的而努力干到最好,不一定要穷困潦倒或四处碰壁

逆境有时也会占上风,导致struggle的结果失败。比如上面的例句“She struggled to lift the package by herself, but it was too heavy”,struggle就没有成果。《柯林斯词典》中对struggle的释义也有这么一条,说的更直接:If a person or organization is struggling, they are likely to fail in what they are doing, even though they might be trying very hard。


  • The company is struggling to find buyers for its new product.
  • One in five young adults was struggling with everyday mathematics.
  • By the 1960s, many shipyards were struggling.

因此,一个struggling的年轻人确实在努力、在奋斗,但他的努力多半只是为了维持生计,是在与困难和逆境抗争,而且这种抗争的结果很难说,甚至失败的可能要大于成功的可能。 上进的年轻人都愿意为梦想奋斗,但没有人愿意处于struggle的境地

即使说明struggle的对象不是为了基本的生活,比如struggle for outstanding job performance,struggle给人的感觉也是努力和阻力各占一半,接下来批评单位制度不合理也不意外。


 去掉struggle中“逆境”的部分,可用strive来翻译“奋斗”。 “奋斗的青春”可译为striving youth,但可能引发“奋斗的年轻人”的歧义。为更准确翻译原文,可考虑将其译为Cherish your youth/Don’t squander away your youth之类。