翻译研究 | Vigilante该怎么翻译?

对于vigilante这个词,中文的翻译常会出现一些看似微小,实则严重的偏差。常见的vigilante译法有:民间护法者、义务警察、义警警员、(自发组织维持社区治安的)联防队员和治安委员会成员。根据《韦氏词典》,vigilante 为a member of a volunteer committee organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law are viewed as inadequate); broadly: a self-appointed doer of justice。需要注意这里的when the processes of law are viewed as inadequate和summarily,即done quickly in a way that does not follow the normal process。

可见,vigilante对官方执法感到失望,进而自发采取不符合正规程序的措施惩治暴力。这一点从《韦氏词典》中vigilante的用法示例也可看出:the danger of these self-appointed vigilantes is that they sometimes go after innocent people. 自命为法律维护者的vigilantes可能会对无辜的人下手。

翻译研究 | Vigilante该怎么翻译

福克斯新闻网站题为《’This is war’: Florida sheriff urges citizens to arm themselves in case of attack》的文章中有这样的语句:The sheriff’s message received a mixed response. Some residents applauded his stance while others criticized it, calling it “fear-mongering”and encouraging vigilantes。看来鼓励人们成为vigilantes并不是什么好事。



