翻译研究 | 2018年政府工作报告“金句”的翻译思考

前段时间,2018年《政府工作报告》“金句”双语版在微博上被广泛转发,其中两句话的英文翻译值得进一步探讨。1. “安不忘危,兴不忘忧”(When all is calm forget not danger; when all is well be awake to woes.)首先,calm与forget,well和be之间应有逗号。用词方面,calm为“宁静”,其反义词并非danger,即“危险”。《韦氏词典》中有如下例句:After a stormy night of high winds and driving rains, the day dawned on a calm sea,可见,与calm相对的词可以是stormy,这时,这句话的翻译就可以修改为:When all is calm, forget not (to prepare for) the storm,storm也包含了“危”的意思。原文译文的问题在于calm是通过“宁静”来比喻“安全”,而后面的danger直接说出了“危险”,两个不同层面的词在进行比较。如果再直接一些,“安不忘危”或可译为Be prepared for danger even in times of peace或 There is threat even when you feel safe


翻译研究 | 2018年《政府工作报告》“金句”双语版的翻译思考
笔者认为,原文的“忧”应为“担忧、忧虑”,而非woe表达的“痛苦、灾祸”。不到“灾祸”级别的问题也值得担忧与关注。用awake to也有问题。Awake to就是“意识到”,那么“When all is well be awake to woes”就可以理解为“当一切都很好的时候,要意识到灾祸”,但“all is well”与“woes”又是矛盾的,不可能同时存在。抛开这句话的其它问题,更为严谨的表达应为When all is well be awake to potential woes。 最后,用“all is well”翻译“兴”似乎力度欠缺了一些。根据《剑桥词典》,all is well意思为:
翻译研究 | 2018年《政府工作报告》“金句”双语版的翻译思考
Good or acceptable与“兴”还有一些距离。“兴不忘忧”或可译为A time of prosperity is not without its concerns。2. “决不能‘新官不理旧账’”(New officials must not be allowed to disavow obligations undertaken by their predecessors)

译文在准确性上没什么问题,但表达上可以更简洁一些,尤其是obligations undertaken by their predecessors,一方面有不需要写出的内容,另一方面也不必都用这么长的单词。一些其他处理:

  • A new official must not ignore the old one’s promises.
  • A new official must honor the old one’s promises.
  • A new official must not change old deals.
  • New officials must honor old deals.
  • Old deals bind new officials too.
  • New officials, same promises.