“研究显示父亲每周工作超过55个小时 儿子更具侵略性甚至有暴力倾向”这句话中的“更具侵略性”可改为“更为易怒”。
另外两个aggressive的常见用法为aggressive marketing tactics和aggressive medical treatment。其中aggressive marketing tactics为贬义,比如:
Mr. Loucks, the prosecutor, accused Pfizer of aggressive marketing tactics.
“Among other things, Pfizer did the following: Pfizer invited doctors to consultant meetings, many in resort locations. Attendees expenses were paid; they received a fee just for being there,” he said. Such weekend getaways for doctors are still common throughout the drug and medical device industries.
(Pfizer Pays $2.3 Billion to Settle Marketing Case, https://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/03/business/03health.html)
这里提到的制药商“辉瑞”请医生去游览胜地开会的aggressive marketing tactics或可译为“过度营销策略”。
Aggressive medical treatment与“保守治疗”相对,看到有译为“积极治疗”的,问题不大。
It’s been a weird year. In 2017, technology spread its tentacles into our lives in ways we couldn’t have imagined—see the Equifax hack, Russia’s manipulation of Facebook, and Amazon’s purchase of everyone’s favorite overpriced supermarket. In 2018, expect the invasion to get even weirder—and more aggressive.
Security experts warn that consumers could face new threats, particularly in their internet-connected TVs, toys and other “smart” appliances. Marketers and social media platforms will get more aggressive, too, compiling everything from your location to your credit card transactions to tailor ads to you.
这里的aggressive可理解为体育比赛中forceful playing的延伸,即为了实现商业目的,对用户隐私的侵犯更加严重,落实到具体文字或可考虑将这里的more aggressive译为“更加无所顾忌”、“更加不择手段”、“变本加厉”和“更加无孔不入”等。