complain : 侧重因对处境不满、待遇不公或自己有痛苦等而向别人诉说、埋怨。
- Lots of people have complained about the noise.
许多人抱怨过这噪声。 - You're always complaining!
你总是牢骚满腹! - He complained that his boss was useless and he had too much work.
grumble : 指因对处境、待遇不满或其他个人因素而愤愤不平地向他人诉苦或自言自语。
- She spent the evening grumbling to me about her job.
她一晚上都在向我抱怨她的工作。 - "You never hang your coat up," she grumbled.
murmur : 多指因不满某人或某事而背着人自言自语地发怨言。
- They were murmuring about the boss's nephew getting the job.
他们在私下嘀咕老板的侄子得到了那份工作的事。 - Already there are murmurs of discontent.