翻译研究 | 合同的subject matter怎么翻译?

Entire agreement clause里面经常会出现一个词:subject matter,例如:

Entire Agreement:

This Agreement constitutes and contains the entire agreement and understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and any representations, warranties, undertakings or agreements made between the parties prior to the Agreement are superseded and hereby expressly excluded.

这里的subject matter如何翻译?

从法律角度来看,合同subject matter对应的大陆法概念应该是“合同标的”,指的是“合同所涉及的各种物或者服务”(《元照英美法词典》)。


So, in our house contract hypothetical, the main subject matter of the contract is the purchase and sale of the house.

从这句话来看,subject matter应该是一个事项(purchase and sale),不是物或服务。这里翻译为“标的”/“标的物”似乎不太妥当。

《布莱克法律辞典》对subject matter的定义是issue“thing”


再结合实践中的entire agreement clause来看,这里翻译成合同的“主题事项”、“主要内容”更贴近原意。

