双语阅读 | 经历雪崩、冻伤和双腿截肢,他仍然登上了珠峰

KATHMANDU, Nepal — The Chinese mountain climber tried to scale Mount Everest almost half a dozen times.

The climber, Xia Boyu, ran into avalanches. He was turned back by an earthquake. He suffered frostbite and lost both feet.

Years later, he was diagnosed with lymphoma and doctors amputated both of his legs above the knee.

But Mr. Xia never gave up.

On Monday morning, surrounded by ice, snow and rock, Mr. Xia reached the top of Mount Everest, the world’s highest mountain, as a double amputee.

“Everything is possible,” said Ang Tshering Sherpa, who recently stepped down as president of the Nepal Mountaineering Association. “I have found that disabled climbers work hard and they are very committed. It’s a great example to the world about their success.”
“一切皆有可能,”前不久刚卸任尼泊尔登山协会(Nepal Mountaineering Association)主席之职的夏尔巴昂·策林·谢尔帕(Ang Tshering Sherpa)说。“我发现残疾登山者非常努力,非常投入。他们的成功给世人树立了很好的榜样。”

双语文摘 | 经历雪崩、冻伤和双腿截肢,他仍然登上了珠峰

Mr. Xia isn’t a spring chicken either. He is in his late 60s, though recent photos show him looking trim and fit.

He received a climbing permit two months ago after Nepal’s Supreme Court issued an interim order that allowed double amputee climbers to try for Everest’s summit. Last year Nepal had tried to limit double amputees from climbing the mountain.

He was at least the third double amputee to make it to the top, according to climbing records.

Mr. Xia, who comes from Sichuan, lost both his feet to frostbite while trying to reach the summit in 1975, when he and his team were caught in a huge storm.

He was diagnosed with lymphoma in 1996, and doctors removed most of his legs. He was then fitted with prosthetic limbs.

Mark Inglis, a double amputee from New Zealand, set a record on Mount Everest, becoming the first double amputee to reach the summit in 2006, according to the Himalayan Database.
根据喜马拉雅数据库(Himalayan Database)的信息,2006年,新西兰的马克·英格利斯(Mark Inglis)成为第一位登顶珠峰的双腿截肢者,创造了纪录。

Santiago Quintero Sylva, a double amputee from Ecuador, got to the top in 2013, the database says. Jeff Glasbrenner, a single amputee American, reached the peak of Everest in 2016.
该数据库显示,2013年,厄瓜多尔双截肢者圣地亚哥·金特罗·席尔瓦(Santiago Quintero Sylva)登顶珠峰。2016年,美国单腿截肢者杰夫·格拉斯布伦纳(Jeff Glasbrenner)登顶珠峰。

The Everest route opened on May 13 this year after an eight-member team of Sherpas repaired the ropes.

Nepal’s tourism department says that 346 mountaineers have taken permits for climbing Mount Everest this year from the Nepal side. It’s also possible to scale the mountain from China.

The weather was clear on Monday morning, when Mr. Xia made it to the summit, with a team of Sherpas helping him.

By late afternoon, the wind picked up and it began to snow. Nepalese officials said more than 100 climbers were getting ready for the summit and were to head toward it around 7 p.m. or 8 p.m. Monday night.