双语文摘 | 老师,你确定要让我在电脑上写作业吗?

Schools are to be given advice on how to disable a glitch that allows pupils sitting online spelling tests to right-click their mouse and find the answer.

It follows the discovery by teachers that children familiar with traditional computer spellcheckers were simply applying it to the tests.

双语文摘 | 老师,你确定要让我在电脑上写作业吗?

The Scottish National Standardised Assessments were introduced to assess progress in four different age groups.
苏格兰教育机构引入了全国标准化评估体系Scottish National Standardised Assessments(SNSA),以评估四个不同年龄组儿童的学习进展情况。

The government said the issue had only affected a "small number" of questions.

A spokesman said the issue was not with the Scottish National Standardised Assessments (SNSA) but with browser or device settings on some machines.

Former head teacher George Gilchrist tweeted about the issue after it emerged primary seven pupils were using the online spellchecker on the test.
一位退休的班主任George Gilchrist最早意识到小学生正在测试中使用在线拼写检查器之后,发了一条推文。

He wrote: "SNSA P7 spelling. Pupils asked to correct spelling of words. P7 pupils worked out if you right click on your answer, the computer tells you if it is correct! Brilliant! "
他写道:“SNSA P7拼写测试项目中,学生们被要求纠正单词的拼写错误,如果你不傻,就用右键点击答案,计算机会告诉你它是否正确!7年级的学生啊,拿不到满分就退群吧!”

Introduced in 2017, the spelling test asks children to identify misspelt words.

However, on some school computers the words were highlighted with a red line. Pupils who right-clicked on the words were then able to access the correct spelling.

The web-based SNSA tool enables teachers to administer online literacy and numeracy tests for pupils in P1, P4, P7 and S3, which are marked and scored automatically.

Education Secretary John Swinney said they would give teachers "objective and comparable information" to help them identify pupils' specific needs.
教育部长John Swinney说,检测系统向教师们提供了“客观和有参考性的信息”,以帮助他们确定学生具体的学习水准。

A Scottish government spokesperson said: "A small number of questions in the P4, P7 and S3 writing assessment were affected by this issue."Advice is being given to schools about how to disable the spellchecking function.

"There is no pass or fail in the assessment, which is one element in a range of evidence a teacher will gather on a child or young person's progress."